The Woods pt 2

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Authors note: let's just all pretend that will's house has a basement (I was thinking about mikes house the entire time and I fucked it up) but this is a story. Don't hate me please.

Eleven's POV

Truth is, I'm not even mad. I guess I was jealous when I saw mike with that girl. Who is standing with him and Lucas, and Dustin and will. "So what did you find el?" Mike asked. I just turned around slowly and pointed. It was a deer that got hit or attacked by something. It was hurting. "Aww man, it's hurt!" Lucas said. "Alright who has a gun?" Lucas asked. I was wide eyed. The girl with red hair looked at me with the same expression. Her eyes were wide. I looked at the four boys. I looked at dustin who just happened to have a gun with him. Lucas was gonna shoot it until the deer got jerked back somewhere. "What the hell? Where'd it go?" Lucas yelled. "I don't know Lucas if you weren't so slow with the damn gun you could of shot it and it would be dead!" Mike yelled again. "Will you two stop fighting! Please! Stop acting like a whole bunch of babies and let's just go home!" The red head said. "God she's so beautiful" wait what? No I don't even know her! I just looked at her. She looked at me. "Are you gonna come with me?" She started walking towards her bike. I just walked towards her bike. "Are you four nerds coming, otherwise me and-" I looked at her again. "El." Her eyes are blue. Like the ocean. We stare at at each other for a few minutes. "Oh! By the way, my names max." Max is her name. Her name is beautiful what? It is. I walk towards mike's bike. I get on his bike. If your wondering, I still don't know her but I kinda want to get to know her more. Max starts peddling away on her bike. And then Lucas, then Dustin, then it's will. And lastly it's mike and I. We all get home back at Will's house. We go in through the door into the basement instead of the front door. By now I was on the couch with the rest of the party. Max went somewhere. The whole day I can only think about her. I wonder where she went? She's not in the basement. I thought for sure she came with us. Maybe I wasn't paying attention who knows. "Hey mike, did you see where max went? Lucas asked. "Lucas I don't know where max went, what? You want me to keep track of her too? I thought since you like max so much why don't you keep track of her?" Lucas and mike were fighting all day I can't take it anymore. "Can you guys stop! You've been fighting all day! Will even told you guys to stop! And what did you do? You guys kept fighting! You guys never listen do you! I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna go find max. Will, come with me?" Will nods his head. We go look for max. Will and I head outside. He gets on his bike and I get on the back with him.

-Time Skip- (sorry)

Max's POV

I know what your thinking, I didn't want to go with the party bc I know mike doesn't like me because apparently I'm annoying. Or he just think I might steal El from her or something. Yes, I like girls and guys. Just. Not Lucas. He's really not my type. You might think that, well I mean we dated for a while but it didn't work out. He probably still likes me but whatever. Your probably wondering what I'm doing and where I'm going. Honestly I don t know where I'm going but I'm riding my yellow bike to who knows where. All I know is that I don't want to go to my house. I don't care what my parents are doing. I don't know what billy is doing and I don't care. Well at the moment I don't. I just want to be alone. All of a sudden I heard my name being shouted. "Max?!" I thought I was hearing things. I heard my name being shouted again. "Max?!" Then I stopped my bike. I was in the middle of the woods but on the left side of me I could see the road from where I was at. I put my bike down and ran and hid behind a tree. Don't ask why. I heard my name again. "Max?!!" Except it wasn't will's voice. It was el's. I shut my eyes. I had tears coming out of my eyes. I heard my name again "max?" It sounded more then a question and it was close too. I put my knees up close to my chest and put my head on my knees. I don't know where these tears came from. I'm guessing it's because of everything that's been going on lately. It's always so hard for me at home and how billy treats me like shit. I mean I love and care about him and all but....god I sound so cheesy. I felt someone sit down next to me. I look over and I see el. "Hey" she says to me. I use my sleeve and wipe my tears away after that, I look at her. Her eyes are brown, they remind me of chocolate kinda. "H-hey" I said as my voice cracks. She takes my hand and she helps me stand up. I give her a confused look. "Im sorry about earlier. I was just jealous when I saw you with mike. And Im sorry for pulling your board from underneath you." I take her hand for second. "I-it's okay I know you didn't mean to." She looks down a small smile forms on her lips but then disappears. "I guess I thought you were gonna take mike from me that's all." I gently lift her chin up with one of my fingers. "I'm not gonna take mike away from you. Honestly I don't really like him anyway, all I wanted was to be in the party with you guys. I know he didn't like me because he probably thought I was annoying or something" she just kinda giggled at what I said. "Eleven? Eleven? Hey, you found max. Hi max." Will said. I looked at him "hi will, sorry I didn't come with you guys. I just wanted to be alone for a while." I told will. "It's okay max, I get it." He chuckled and had a small smile on his face but then it fell." Hey, uhm we should probably get back it's kinda late." Will said again looking at his watch. I let go of el's hand and went towards my bike. Or I was. I felt her grab my wrist. I looked back at her. "Is it okay if I go with you this time?" I looked into her soft brown eyes. I smile. "Sure, of course" she smiled and gave me a small kiss on the cheek close to the corner of my mouth. She let go of my wrist and went towards my bike. Will was waiting for the both of us. I just stood there in shock as I felt my face and ears heat up. I was still behind the tree but not as much to where you couldn't see me. I heard my name "max cmon" el said. She was holding my bike up for me. "Coming" I jogged towards my bike. I get on my bike and waited for el to get on. She got on and put one of her feet on the peg. "You ready?" "Ready". She got on both my pegs as I started peddling. Will was right behind me. Soon after awhile of peddling we made it to will's house. El got off first and then I got off. Will and I set our bikes down and the three of us went inside the side door to the basement. As we got in we heard yelling. "El!" "Max!" "Will!" We all got attacked with hugs by the boys. It was a group hug until mike gave Will a hug first then el. And of course I got a hug from Lucas, he hugged me for a bit to long because Dustin had to literally pry Lucas off of me. And when he did Dustin gave me a hug. Plus it wasn't as long as Lucas's. We all decided to chill out down here for a bit. El wanted to sit next to me on the couch and Will was already sitting down next to mike. Lucas and Dustin were both sitting on the floor and tv was randomly playing. Neither of us were paying attention to it though. We were all chatting with each other. "El" I said. She looked up at me. "Yes Maxie?" Maxie? "Yeah Maxie, it's your nickname, do you like it?" I might of said that out loud. Oops. "Oh, uh yeah I love it" she smiled. Her smile is so beautiful. I adore her so much. She's beautiful what? No you can't like her she's still with mike. "So el, are you and mike still dating?" She looked away from me and looked at mike. She saw how he was smiling brightly at Will while he was making mike laugh. She slowly looked back at me. "Uhm, I don't know, I kinda feel like he likes Will." I look at the both of them. They do look happy. "They look cute though" she said. I nod my head in agreement. "They do, but wanna know who's cuter?" I took both her hands in mine. She looked down at our hands and smiled brightly and looked up at me. "Who?" I looked into her brown eyes that sparkled in the dim lighting of will's basement. "Us." I kissed her lips gently but slow. Her lips were soft. She smiled into the kiss and kissed back just as soft. We both stopped as I leaned my forehead against hers. We were both smiling so big. We almost forgot the boys were there. But then I heard, "Ha! I told you! Cmon hand it over!" I looked over at mike who had his hand out waiting for Lucas to give him something. "Uh did I miss something?" "Yeah mike and lucas we're betting on the both of you" Dustin had said. Lucas gave mike his money while he rolled his eyes. I looked at mike. "So mike, do you like Will?" His face heated up. I looked over at Will. "Will?" They both looked at each other. Will had gotten up and went into the bathroom and mike had followed him. I chuckled as the two were probably making out in there. The rest of the party did too. I got up still got a hold of el's hand and led her towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Lucas asked. "Uh well I'm going to el's house. We planned it on the way here. Right el?" I look over and she nodded. "Oh well have fun." I just rolled my eyes playfully. We got outside as I picked up my bike and started walking it up the hill while el was next to me. When we got up the hill I got on my bike and waited for el to put one of her feet on the pegs as she held on both my shoulders and I started peddling and she got on both pegs. After awhile we got to el's house. "Hey is anybody here?" I asked as I waited for el to get off and then I got off. I set my bike down. "No hopper is gone, working later then usual" el opened the door. Except she didn't use her hands. She used her mind. I had no clue she could do that. Anyway, we went inside and decided on what to do. "What do you want to do?" El asked me. "We could watch a movie?" I shrug my shoulders. "Okay, you can pick the movie and I'll make popcorn." She smiled again and kissed my cheek. I smiled and looked down and then looked back up. "I love you eleven" she smiled brightly. I put my hand on the her cheek and stroked it with my thumb softly. She leaned into it making me smile. God she's so cute "I love you too Maxie" I leaned in and kissed her lips gently except putting more passion into it then last time. She kissed back just as passionately. We both smiled. After, she went to go make popcorn I picked out a movie for us to both watch.

Omg alrighty, here's the second part finally. I decided on leaving it where it is because I didn't know what else to put and plus my brain is like ??? And can't think. But here it is finally. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I worked hard on it. And I KNOW for a fact will's house doesn't have a basement at all. But please enjoy and comment and vote. I love you all and have a good day/night. Muah 😚🥰☺️😊💖

Word Count: 2236

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