Entry 2

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I think I am lost.

I went exploring to map out the area. I got excited and entered the jungles. Big mistake. I hadn't been into the jungles before. I should've marked some familiar points. Well, I could still see the lighthouse. It was pretty faraway though. 

The jungles were incredible. There were so many different types of plants and animals! All of them were colourful and unique. I had never seen such creatures before. There were many birds of paradise, with glowing feathers and long tails. There were animals like small lemurs and monkeys jumping in the trees. 

Different kinds of wildcats gracefully and silently moved on the ground. Rodents were hunting for nuts and seeds in the undergrowth. Many insects were crawling and flying everywhere. It was difficult to travel, I had to keep watching my step. This jungle was completely alive with chatters and chirps. It was a party I wanted to join!

I was able to find some firewood and edible fruit that I saw the animals eating. I have built a temporary shelter that I can carry with me. I am currently travelling towards the lighthouse using the map I drew to help. I hope I make it within the next few days.

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