Passing Of A Hero

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"Your wrists should be fine within a few days, in that time, you shouldn't use your hands for anything. Aizawa has let you off from training and assignments until you've recovered, but you still have to attend class." Recovery Girl told Bakugo who looked at his hands which were wrapped in bandages and felt stiff right now. He felt useless without his hands since they were the key to his whole quirk. Bakugo couldn't help but think if this was what Midoriya felt every time his arms got busted, but he quickly dismissed that thought when Aizawa addressed him. He was also in the room.

"So, tell us what happened between you and Midoriya. All we know is that you two got into a fight and you ended when All Might arrived. But other than that, and your broken wrists, we are in the dark. So explain." Aizawa told Bakugo who snapped out of it and glanced at his teacher, then his red eyes returned to his bandaged hands.

"Deku.......he lost control..." Bakugo muttered, he never thought he'd ever mutter in his life, but he couldn't shake the feeling like something deeper was happening with what went down between he and the green-haired idiot.

Bakugo knew that something was wrong with Midoriya, but he couldn't put his finger on what exactly was wrong. For the first time in his life, the explosive teen felt worry bubble up from deep within the depths of his stomach for the green-haired teen who had fled from him and All Might not too long ago. He felt a sickening feeling in his gut when he considered that maybe what he said, before the Provisional Hero Licensing Exam started, was all true.

He knew that it could all have been made up, sure, but the coincidences of each event were too closely tied together to suggest otherwise, especially what he heard from All For One. Right now, All Might had left him to go check on Midoriya, so Bakugo couldn't go and ask Midoriya for more questions, and he was left with his own thoughts. The blond-haired teen grit his teeth when he connected more events together, and now he had more than enough evidence to consider this at least somewhat true. Midoriya was right, and he was wrong.

After saying that, Bakugo ended up leaving the room with Aizawa calling after him. He ignored his calls and walked away. He decided to stay at his parents' place for tonight since he didn't feel right to go to his dorm room just yet. He called for his parents and eventually, his mother came to pick him up. Once home, Bakugo was greeted by a familiar face.

"Ah, Katsuki! I don't mean to sound rude, but how is Izuku?" Bakugo recognized the small, almost frail voice before he could even see the woman rush up to him upon opening the front door to their home.

"Auntie Inko? Why are you here?" Bakugo asked her, he was always much kinder to her than her son, by which he hasn't told her, and he guessed that the boy hadn't told his own mother either. Especially now that he has a better judgement and knows how to speak to certain people, he feels like he could properly communicate with some people.

"Inko came over to visit, she got the call from U.A., and she's worried for the both of you." Mitsuki interrupted before Inko could reply, taking Bakugo's gaze from the shorter, green-haired woman to his own mother. He nodded and glanced down at his bandaged wrists before looking back to the green-haired woman.

"Deku's fine, as far as I know." The hot-headed blond replied simply, Inko nodded and sighed in relief, but Bakugo knew better than anyone else that the woman was sickly worried for her son who had been through so much in such a short amount of time, and with each call that he knew U.A. sent to her, the more worried she grew for her only son.

After some time, Inko left, but not without shedding some tears when she and Bakugo's parents talked about the most recent incident, Bakugo couldn't help but feel bad. He knew that this was all his fault, again. Once alone and in his room, Bakugo lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling that was supposed to be familiar, but for some reason, it didn't feel as familiar, it felt foreign, like he wasn't supposed to be here. The blond-haired male sighed in frustration before he brought the blanket over himself and tried to sleep, but his inner war kept him up.

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