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It was completely dark at the top of the hill but Zach and I had been there so often that we knew exactly where to step. It was a little harder for me and eventually Zach just ended up carrying me.

He spread a blanket over the grass and we helped me to sit down. He sat next to me and leaned back. I put my head in his lap and he carefully started to run his fingers through my hair. I kicked my one shoe off and spread out on the blanket, getting comfortable. Just then I felt his pocket vibrate. A few seconds later it vibrated again. Zach pulled his phone out from under my head and checked it. I couldn't read his face as he read the messages and I tried not to act like I cared. It wasn't my business who was texting him, after all. He typed out a quick response and tossed his phone into the grass. Before the screen went dark I was able to make out who had messaged him. Chloe.

Why was Chloe texting Zach? Why did he still have her number? Did they text often? I told myself to snap out of it, that it wasn't my business. Zach could text whoever he wanted. His phone buzzed a few more times and he ignored it. I was able to read the first few messages before the screen blacked out again.

I miss you...

I don't know what you see in that fake goody two shoes Brody anyway.

Call me...

I felt my blood boil as I read the messages. Zach must have noticed something was wrong when I sat up because he looked at me, confused.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"How often do you and Chloe still talk?" I asked him, knowing I sounded jealous.

Zach glanced at the phone and then back to me.

"Barely," he said, shoving it back in his pocket. But I'd already seen the messages.

"Well she misses you and wants you to call her." I told him, my face turning red.

"She's been texting me for awhile okay? I don't text her back though." Zach told me. He was defensive now and it was easy to see.

"Then why is she still texting you? You do realize that she's obviously not over you right? She's always staring at you and she was totally jealous when I told her we were going to the dance together." I told him. I was on my feet now, too angry to sit. Zach stood too.

"Well I'm over her so it doesn't matter. She can be jealous all she wants because I'm not interested in her, I want you." Zach told me. He took a step closer and placed his hands on my arms, looked into my eyes. "You, Brody Parker, are the one that I chose."

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