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"If we don't perform perfectly tonight Coach is going to make us run suicides until we actually die," Dani said nervously the night after that. It was Friday, the night of the first game. The whole town was in the stands before us and we were warming up on the track.

"We've practiced this a million times, we'll get it." I told her, stretching out my hamstrings.

"Yeah Dani, so don't mess up." Chloe glared at her as she passed. She'd had it in for her since Zach broke up with her.

"Maybe you should be telling yourself that," I warned her, thinking of the practice the day before. She'd almost fallen out of the pyramid and made everyone fall.

"Whatever," she scoffed and walked away.

Before the game started Chloe and I got the team into position. We started by cheering really loudly to get the crowd hyped up. Then we turned as our team ripped through the banner and ran onto the field, hooping and hollering. The other team ran out after them.

"Sharks! Sharks! Sharks!" Roared the cheer team, waving their pom poms. We had smiles on our faces and we jumped up and down, yelling as loud as we could. The crowd was chanting with us as the opposing team kicked off.

Our team was doing really well, leading by twenty points. By the time half time rolled around the over head lamps were casting shadows over the bleachers. Both teams returned to their sides of the fields. Our boys lined the bench behind us and Chloe and I marched our team into position quickly. Soon we were kicking and flipping and flying through the air. Our performance was flawless as far as the crowd could see. At the end of the routine I was tossed into the air. I flipped twice and almost as soon as I landed in their hands I was tossed back up into the splits. When we had finished the crowd clapped and cheered and we smiled big.

We won the game forty to twenty three. As the bleachers started to empty we made our way to the bench and started packing our things. I shoved my pom poms into my duffel and switched my shoes around. Dani and I walked to the parking lot together where most of the football boys were gathered.

"Great game," Dani and I kept saying as we passed the boys. They were still excited about their first win of the season and the mood was contagious.

"Woo hoo!" Gavyn and Grant exploded out of the locker room doors whooping and hollering. They ran toward us and high fived Dani and I.

"Are you coming to the party tonight? You've got to celebrate with us," Grant asked us. Dani and I agreed and then continued through the parking lot.

"I have to find Zach. We rode together," she told me. She headed off toward the locker rooms and I passed the outhouses. I heard giggling from the far side and a guys voice.

"Come on, just take me home with you," I didn't know who the girl was but she had Zach's hand and was trying to drag him with her. He pulled her back and she pouted.

I hadn't meant to stay and watch but something about it annoyed me. I should've known Zach wasn't interested in me. I shouldn't care what he did with other girls. Suddenly the girl turned to me and glared.

"What are you looking at?" She asked. She had shoulder length black hair and dark features. I recognized her from the grade below me, Abby.

"Nothing," I told her, turning and starting the opposite way. I was halfway to my car before I heard footsteps behind me.

"Brody, wait!" Zach called after me. He stepped in front of me and I stopped. My good mood was wrecked and I just wanted to go home.

Zach was wearing shorts and a hoodie and his hair was a mess from his helmet.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"It's not what you think. You know Abby." He told me, an annoyed look flashing over his face. I knew what he meant. She was always trying to get with the senior boys.

"You don't have to explain to me," I told him, starting around him. He reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Are you jealous?" He asked, staring into my face.

"Jealous? No! I don't care what or who you do in your free time." I told him a little more harshly than I'd meant.

"You think I'd have sex with Abby?" He asked, incredulous.

"Why not? You've probably done it with just about every other girl at this school." I told him, pulling my arm out of his grip. A hurt look flashed across his face.

"You seriously believe all the rumors people tell?" He asked. I could tell that I'd really hurt him but I didn't understand why.

"Well you've never tried to say that you haven't." I said.

"I never thought you actually listened to those rumors. I thought you, out of everyone, would know better." He said, crossing his arms. I glared at him.

"And why's that?" I asked.

"Because you know me better than any other those girls. You've known me forever," he said. He was right, of course.

"What about Chloe?" I had no idea where the question came from. As soon as I said the words I wished I could take them back.

"What about her?" Zach asked.

"Nothing, forget it." I told him. I stepped around him and continued walking, cursing myself for not keeping my mouth shut.

"Tell me." Zach said, following behind me.

"It's nothing. I don't know why I said it." I told him, unlocking my car and shoving my bag into the backseat. "By the way, Dani's looking for you."

I shut the back door and climbed into the drivers seat. Zach stood there, a confused look on his face. I shut my door and started the engine. I left him staring after my car.

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