Tom Imagine ~ You harm yourself

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You have been getting hate from Tom's fans and you tried to ignore it but you just couldn't Tom was out filming today and you were home alone you weren't expecting him till later. You were scrolling through Instagram and you saw some comments that his fans were sending you.

"Wow your so ugly"

"Tell me Tom is dating her"

"You should go kill yourself you would be doing us a favor"

"Tom doesn't love you"

You couldn't take it anymore so you raced up to your shared room with Tom and went straight to the bathroom to pay a visit to your friend and you cut yourself you have stayed strong for 6 months and now you just broke that Tom will be heartbroken .

You didn't noticed Tom yelled through the house tell you he was here cause you were too busy crying. Tom came into your shared bedroom and heard you crying and he rushed into the bathroom an saw you crying and his saw your wrist and he looked like he was going to cry.

"darling what happened" you explained it to Tom and he was beyond pissed that his fans were send his love one hate so he went onto Instagram and made a video saying "OK listen up people I just got home from filming and I was looking forward to seeing my beautiful girlfriend but instead of that I see her in the bathroom crying and she had cut on her wrist she was 6 months clean she was doing so good but you guys had to send her hate for the people who are sending my girlfriend hate will get block if you were truly a supporter you wouldn't send the people I love hate"

Tom decided to carry you to bed and get into bed with you and he put on Netflix he put on Vampire Diaries knowing you love that show he just hopes you have a good recovery.

Heyy people I hope you like this chapter. I love you guys so much. and I kind of late but 2k people have seen it. This made me so happy. I love you guys so so so much.

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