Tom Imagine ~ Labor

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Tom was at a interview and you were with Harrison chilling with him before Tom gets home from the interview you are 9 months pregnant and due at anytime now and you felt tightening and Harrison asked you "What's wrong y/n " "Are you okay" "Is the baby okay" "Do I need to call Tom" you said no cause you didn't think you were in labor 20 minute went by and you saw your pants leaking and you yelled for Harrison "Harrison call Tom and bring me to the hospital."

*Harrison on the phone with Tom 

Tom : This better be good I'm in the middle of a interview 

Harrison : Y/n is in labor you need to get to the hospital right away 

Tom : Oh ok I am on my way

Tom hung up and told the interviewer his wife was in labor and that he had to cut it short and that he needed to get to the hospital he's in luck cause RDJ is with him and drove him to the hospital RDJ rushed to the hospital and told to go to his wife he'll be there in the waiting room he had to make some calls. Tom ran into the hospital and asked the front desk y/n Holland  "She's in room 112" Tom rushed to the room and saw you were crying and Harrison was holding your hand and Harrison looked and said "Tom here" Y/n omg babe I don't think I can do this Tom he rushed over to you and told you "Darling yes you can you waited 9 months for this you can do this" The doctor came in and checked you and said you were ready to push and Tom kissed you and held your hands and you begin to push 1 hour later you had tears and you were staring at your beautiful girl Aubree Nicole 

 Tom ran into the hospital and asked the front desk y/n Holland  "She's in room 112" Tom rushed to the room and saw you were crying and Harrison was holding your hand and Harrison looked and said "Tom here" Y/n omg babe I don't think I can do this...

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Heyy I hope you like this imagine and maybe I'll do one where she's a toddler I enjoy writing this kind of imagine! I love you all so much! Lots of love 

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