Tom Imagine ~ Cuddles

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You had started your period and Tom was off filming for Spiderman far from home and your cramps were getting painful.

Y/N mean your name 

Tom :  Hey baby how are you doing 

Y/n : I'm fine 

Tom : You don't sound okay what's wrong darling 

Y/n : I started my period today and I have no medication 

Tom :  Oh no I'm sorry baby I'll be home soon and we can cuddle 

Tom came home an hour later and you were in the same spot Tom came into your shared room and took off his shirt and pants and go into the bed and go under the blankets with you and you stirred in your sleep and Tom wrapped his arm around your waist and you turned around and gave him a kiss on the lips and finally your cramps were steady Tom has the magical touch.

Hey I hope you like this imagine if you want an imagine you can always message me. Love you all 

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