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Amy stirs and realizes that her husband is cuddling with her, something he rarely does but now does frequently. She smiles and snuggles into him, breathing in his faint scent of talcum powder. He unconsciously tightens his arms around her to her delight. She's about to doze off when she suddenly hears their children cry. She sighs and sits up to feed them when Sheldon tightens his arm around her waist. She looks at him and see him staring at her.

"I'll take care of it." He sleepily stands up and starts to reach over the cribs beside their bed.

"You know, sooner or later we will need to have a bigger place." Amy props up.

He looks at her as he rocks their children to sleep. "True. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I really like the new Sheldon." She laughs, "But I kind of miss the old one. It's complicated, I guess. So, do we still need to enforce the pregnancy agreement now that I'm no longer pregnant?"

Sheldon lays a now sleeping Luke into his crib. "Okay. I suppose that I could whip up a parenting agreement that could be similar with the previous one but with more addendums."

She reaches out to him as he lays back beside her "Ohhhh, I love your addendums. By the way, can I still sit in your spot?"

Her husband muses quietly "I suppose you can."

She smiles and snuggles closely. "Oh, you make my uterus quiver in delight."

"Stop it! That got us into this in the first place."


Amy smiles as she sips her tea while hanging out with Penny and Bernadette at 4A. They have the afternoon to themselves since surprisingly Sheldon urged the guys to take their children to the park. Raj just tagged along with Cinnamon in order not to feel so out place seeing his friends happily married with children.

"I'm surprised that Sheldon seems a bit more human these days." Penny points out.

"I'm not even going to be offended by your comment, Penny. I'm too happy to care."

Bernadette laughs "And the fact that she could still sit in that spot blows my mind."

"Oh come on, Bernie. Amy gave birth to 2 kids, the least Sheldon could do is to give her that privilege."

"Or knowing her husband, they did come up with another written agreement." Bernadette laughs.

"Hey! Our parenting agreement stipulates that Sheldon would have his fair share of parenting duties, like chores and walking them to the park, when I ask him to. The agreement was my idea." Amy said smugly.

Penny and Bernadette locked at her, shocked "How did you manage to ask Sheldon that much? Maybe we need written agreements." Penny says.

She smiles at her friends, "I gave birth to twice as more at the same time and I let him name our children after some science fiction characters. He practically worships me now." She raises her tea in salute amused at Penny and Bernadette looking at her in awe.


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sheldon asks his friends as he pushes the twins' stroller. All of them were at the park due to a promise to his wife and he drags his unwilling friends with him.

"It's funny thinking of Sheldon as father material." Howard points out while pushing Michael's stroller. Raj is close behind with Cinnamon and Halley.

"It's funny thinking of Sheldon as capable of being human." Leonard adds and all of them laugh.

"Laugh all you want Leonard, at least my children are named after the greatest sci-fi twins in the history of sci-fi. Yours is just bland."

"Hey! I wanted to name her Lara after Lara Croft but Penny compromised and chose Angelina instead."

"Is the whip app still appropriate today?" Howard jokes, and everyone laughs as he uses the app.

"Anyway..." Leonard turns to his best friend "Have you and Amy thought about getting a house? I know your apartment is a bit cramped considering you now have two toddlers."

"I haven't thought of that, but Amy was hinting about it when her foot bumped into Leia's crib. And when she bumped her other foot into Luke's"

"So, what do you think? There's a nice neighborhood near ours with a backyard and picket fence she would love. Plus, you probably still have the money left over from your Nobel winnings" Howard suggests.

"I don't know. You all know how I respond to change." Sheldon stops and leans over to see Luke and Leia sleeping.

"Or maybe, I could probably get a house next to yours if that would make you feel comfortable." Leonard says.

Howard looks at Leonard in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

"Sold!" Sheldon suddenly says.

Raj whines, "Why can't I have the lives you all have???"

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