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[Incident Log A, 1 Civilian Death, Green]

The following log is a direct translation from transcribed runes by the entity now labeled "D-1." The human boy that D-1 is linked to is officially labeled D-1A and is no longer considered human anymore nor is it given any additional rights than standard humanoid entity containment procedures. D-1 is to be left alone as it wishes and negotiations are in place should it desire to leave at any point during the day. All negotiations so far have been rejected by D-1, stating that it does not need to move or be closer to D-1A. D-1 and D-1A are to be stored at the Supernatural and Anomalous Wing at Campus ███ until the date D-1A expires naturally or is no longer needed for testing purposes and terminated or voted as a safe leveled entity. So far, only one of fifteen Generals have voted on it being safe, while no others are able to or will not vote on it. Because of this, D-1 and D-1A are not considered safe. The runes are written in first person (D-1's perspective) and will remain that way in order to avoid ambiguity.

The way to extract the words from the runes is physical contact on each of the runes on its skin. Exposure to the runes through physical or metaphysical contact have no visible effect upon the individuals testing it, however, mental effects have not manifested or have been proven dangerous.

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