Lamb to the Slaughter (Part Three)

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Third Person

Grian was sitting under the tree in his base. He was holding his communicator typing.

Grian: Hey can anybody help me with some dark prismarine?

Xisumavoid: Lucky for you I found a ocean monument. Just come to my base and I'll take you there.

"Well isnt that convenient."

"Oh shush W!"

Grian: Be there.

Grian set down his communicator and went to his Nether portal. Entering, he exited and ended up in Xisuma's base.

Watcher huffed "Just remember if you die, we all die."

Xisuma walked up to Grian as he climbed the latter "Grian! Good to see you. This ocean monument... Its insane. Its two glitched ontop of each other."

Xephor freaked out "What?!?! I need to see this!"

Grian gasped. He had never seen anything like that. "Isnt that supposed to be prevented?"

Xisuma grinned and nodded "Supposed to. Something went wrong with the coding."

"Oh you think?"

Grian smiled, both to Watchers comment and in response to Xisuma's grin.

Xisuma waved him towards the boat.

"Pleaseeeee let me take control!"

"Sorry Xephor. Xisuma will notice the mood swing, anyways we agreed that Poultry Man can run tonight." Grian stared to the whining player before toning the two of them out once again.

~~~~Time Skip (I dont like doing these.)~~~~

Grian admired the conduit build.  It had turned out better then he could have wished. And he used every single block of dark prismarine.

"So... Time to hand over control."

Grian relented.

Xephor took control and grinned as he rolled his neck "Oh this feels good."

He swam up the cork of the bottle. Flipping the trapdoor he stood and started opening chests "Grian. Where is the chicken mask."

"Idk. Watcher had it last."

"I don't know. I put in a chest."

Xephor grimaced. "You... Oh my God, I do not want to look through all those chests."

"You dont really have a choice bud."

Xephor groaned and began looking through the chests. "We need to sort these chests."

"You want to do it?"

Xephor grunted in response, finally finding the mask.

"Didn't think so."

Grian suddenly said quietly, getting a serious mood swing "Jesus christ, just go egg someone already. Im AFKing."

Grians presence vanished


Xephor snorted "Must be having a bad day."

Xephor pulled the mask on. "Alright. Let's troll Mumbo."

Xephor grinned under the mask and swam out of the bottle.

Placing on of his hundred boats he set off to Mumbo's base, inventory full of eggs.

His boat hitting the shore he climbed out of the boat.

He began chucking eggs everywhere, then headed down the latter to throw eggs. Mumbo came out of his AFK stage and yelped


Xephor, a grin plastered on his face, began racing up the latter.

Mumbo chased him up the latter.

Xephor began bolting for the boat and Mumbo chased after him "Wait! Who are you?"

Xephor paused, then started rowing, yelling "It wasn't me, it was the man in the chicken costume!"

Mumbo stopped on the shore, mumbo "....What?" In bafflement.

Xephor heard Watcher chuckling softly. Grinning, Xephor swam back into the base.

"While I was moping I thought of a new game."

Xephor and Watchers interest was caught instantly.

"A server wide game of tag."

Xephor and Watchers interest faded and was replaced with confusion "What?" "What?"

Grian sighed "Here I'll show you."

Xephor let Grian take control and he began searching for the tag. He found it and renamed it to Tag, your it! And wrote down the rules in a book.

Grian said, cocking his head slightly "Who should the first victim of this game?..."

Suddenly it clicked for all three of them "Mumbo!" "Mumbo!"

Grinning widely Grian went down Mumbo's water elevator only to be greeted with a HORRIBLE sight. A AFK Mumbo.

"Can't tag a AFK."

Grian sighed, walking up to Mumbo he began to sing "Mumbo Jumbo you are AFK, I'm gonna take that mustache away!"

"Spare my ears I'm begging you."

"I should not sing when my voice is terrible.... Heh."

He checked his communicator and he grinned "Seems Doc is dropping by. Let's wait for him."

Waiting for Doc was a major mistake. The man couldn't find Mumbo's bunker, apparently he thought a patch of light was Mumbo's base and drowned.

Grian offered to get his stuff and put it a chest with a arrow blantly pointing in the direction of Mumbo's base.

"Oh my God. This guy is more of a spoon then Mumbo." Watcher stated as the noise of the chest opening appeared in the bunker then the sound of someone walking around.

Grian finally heard Doc coming down the latter and he tensed, getting ready to tag him.

Doc walked out, felt someone hit his shoulder, then he got a book and a tag thrown at him?

Grian booked it up the latter and typed in chat


Sorry for the shortness of this one.

Our trip ended and I've been typing whenever I can, and I hit a writers block.

CrowWren is OUT.

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