Storms and Sprains

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It has been getting colder and colder by the minute. I am shaking.

Clouds have appeared above me and the wind has picked up. I start walking faster. The wind pushing from behind. It starts snowing harder.

"I have to get out of this." I start running. I turn off the road. The trees don't help much from the snow and wind.

I keep running. There is no time to dig out a den. I run for a long time. Not even stopping to look around.

The wind blows the snow into me. I feel myself starting to turn. The snow is soft under my feet. My feet sink in and I fall. I stand and feel a sharp pain in my left hind foot. I wince from the pain.

I keep running. All of a sudden the trees stop. There is a clearing. There is a tall object in the middle. And a smaller one next to it. The small one has a opening underneath it. I run as fast as I can.

I crouch underneath this object. I watch the snow fall faster and the wind get stronger. I am freezing cold.

My mom told me once about a storm such as this. She called it a blizzard. She told me that this is one of the worst storms she has ever seen. That it is hard to escape without a den.

I can barely hear anything over the storm. I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do. I lay my head on my paws and sleep.


The sound of voices, wake me up. There are three creatures outside I have never seen before. These must be the two-legged creatures, Raven was talking about.

I sit and try to listen to what there saying. Luckily the snow has stopped. Though I am still cold.

"You can't kill it, Dad." the shortest one says.

"Maddie go inside now." the tallest one says.

These creatures are weird. They are all different sizes. There is a short one, a tall one, and one right in the middle.

"Listen to your father. Go call the animal shelter." the middle one said. The short one runs inside the tall object. The middle one waits until she is inside, then says, "What are we going to do? You know she hates when animals are killed."

"Then we will ask if the shelter wouldn't kill it. How did a fox even get out here? I thought they lived miles away."

I freeze, afraid to move. They were talking about me.

"So did I." The creature starts to bend down. I lay down and close my eyes. Maybe I can fool them and they will leave. "I think she might be dead."

"Poke it with a stick." the other one said. I guess he gave her a stick because the next thing I fell is something touching my neck. I can't help but shift were I lay.

"It's alive. I think it might be in pain." the closest one says. My foot hurts, I'm freezing and I haven't eaten in 2 days (I'm not in pain at all).

"Mom, the shelter says they will be here in about a hour. Is she ok." the small one must have come back out.

"We can't be sure Maddie." the tall one says. "Let's go back inside. We can watch over her from over there." I here snow crunching under their feet and open my eyes.

I try to stand up. I fall over when I try to walk. My foot hurts really bad.

"I guess I'm not going anywhere soon." I lay my head back on my foot. I don't go to sleep. Even though the soil is warm. I just lay here and watch the world outside.


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