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They call you names, they are quick to judge. They make you cry, they do not care. They pound you down until you have nothing left, until nothing is worth it. They dig deep, finding the littlest things to drag you down into a hole where all you see is black. They call your name, they follow you around. They don't know you, they don't bother, all they know is your appearance. If you are invisible they can not judge, if you do not speak they can not reject. If you hide away from the world that is full of them you will remain untouched. They watch you, they want to be you, they want nothing to do with you, they want to hurt you, they want to lift you up. They are different yet they are all the same. They walk the same, they talk the same yet they are labeled as different. One laugh into fake laugh they pretend to be someone else they are not.

They are monsters


They are bullies.

They are judged.

They are humans.

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