within the monsters grasp

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A/N tempted to change the book to within the monster grasp. I need a vote

With the sting of whiskey still on my tongue, I moaned liking the wet kiss way too much. It kissed me! Judging by the shortness of breath it's as if the kisses had stolen my breath. My captor pulled back, but a hand remained on my thigh. The prominent white line on the ring finger served as a reminder that I was being seduced by a married person, at least married on paper.
"Would you like to know my name? Or shall we continue as we are, as two nameless ships passing in the night."
The person whispered this time, but his voice still resounded through my bones. "A ship with no name brings bad luck, but since we aren't ships we can dispense without names." No names, no games, that's all I wanted this to be.
I almost shivered in the heat, those pupils before me drifted from light to dark, caught in a cloak of lust. "Indeed it has. Eyes are the windows into a persons soul." This person, their words invoked education, good breeding. Something that said I didn't belong in those circles since I had neither. I didn't even know who my father was.
"Well, you could wear rags and I would still find you adorable."
Did this person read my mind or am I going crazy from the heat and passion.
"Both." my captor exclaimed with playful eyes.
I looked at my captor, wondering how this person had read my mind....I remembered he was the monster. Him, my captor found me in my weakest moment. He seduced me with desire and said he would give me power.
My captors eyes bore deeply into mine, only blinking when necessary, as if reading not only my thoughts but claiming my soul too. Continuing to hold that lustful gaze; the wildness in my captors eyes echoed my own, as something short of pure need and instinct took over.
Light-headed, I shook my overgrown black hair out of my eyes, and blinked, noticing how every move i made was watched carefully.
I had to run it wasn't safe anymore; not that it was in the first place... I've been kidnapped and I've fallen in love...talk about being a martyr.
I have to say no but i can't...How could I fall for such a person...such a monster! Oh the irony!
"Do you want to know my name now, so when I take you to the edge, you can scream it?"
Speaking in the most erotic voice,

Caressing my back. My breath hitched in my throat. With almost a timidity i hadn't felt in awhile, I looked away, not eyeing the beauty of this person. Being captive with their beautiful body was a sin far too great. My eyes shined with delight, growing with fantasies of being taken, of being driven to the edge, over the edge...soon it will be the edge of freshly sharpened knife which will be my demise.
My captor started laughing and showing a caring smile.... I guess he is reading my mind.
"You can kill me or play with me till you're happy and then when you are done with this twisted fascination of my body for no one shall love me." I finally spoke.
I had finally spoke and nearly showed the monster who said he would love me, with the scars on my heart. No one has known my terrible past but me and the real monsters.
" I shall not rape you. I will not abuse you. I can see the scars you hold in your eyes. " His voice so smooth, so deep, it made my ears chime with delight at being able to hear its melody. Before things progressed into anymore false admiration. He sat me on his lap. He comforted me. I spilled my heart and soul out to this monster who always had me in arms reach.
I ran.
I jumped out his lap and ran out the room. I didn't want to search new feelings. It never chased me. I made my way towards the castle window and looked out. He owned this land. He owned the great forest, past my line of sight, He owned the townspeople, owned this castle and, soon me.
Feeling overwhelmed I began to sing.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
I wish it would save a wretch like me....
I'm lost and not found,
I'm blind and can't see
I'm a martyr to my faith
When will they not see me...
As the victim not meant to be?
Later that night it found me again, walking the empty halls with empty shallow eyes. whispering in my ear. I realized as long as these castle walls are here I will always be within the monster's grasp.

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