Asami sick

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Takaba stood outside of club Sion, it was only midday so why was here there? Because he had something to talk to the Yakuza about something that he was pissed about. Since it wasn't at night and he wasn't being called there he'd have to go in through the front entrance. Hesitating for a second he finally opened the doors and stepped in, thankfully there weren't many people currently inside the club so he didn't have to deal with all of the looks he usually got, so what if he wasn't as rich as they were?

Taking the stairs he was stopped at the top by Suoh.

"I came here to talk to the bastard!" Takaba hissed him trying to push past him, but Suoh wasn't going to let him past.

"He currently doesn't want to talk to anyone, come back later." the guard replied.

"Damn it! I have something important to talk to him about, let me pass!" Takaba snapped as he tried to get past the guard. Takaba was thankful for the fact that he was agile for he managed to side step around Suoh and bolt for Asami's office before the other had a chance to turn around.

Shoving the door opened Takaba expected to see Asami sitting in the chair at his desk with his golden eyes staring right at a him,but much to his surprise Asami wasn't sitting at his desk. Taking a quick look around the room Takaba saw a sleeping figure on the sofa on the right side of the room which Takaba realized was Asami himself. Takaba turned around at the same moment Suoh entered the office, Suoh would've drug the other out of the office if Asami hadn't groaned at that the exact same moment Suoh had grabbed Takaba's arm signaling that he was waking up.

"What is going on?" Takaba couldn't miss the slight off note in the sound of Asami's voice.

"I am very sorry sir, the brat came rushing into here before I could stop him." Suoh apologized with a bow of his head as Asami sat up and fixed his eyes on Takaba, there was definitely something wrong about the older man's face, but Takaba wasn't quite certain what it was.

"Its fine since its him." Asami replied as he shifted to one side of the sofa making enough space for Takaba to sit down next to him. "You can leave now Suoh." with a bow the guard left the room and shut the door behind himself. Asami then turned his attention back to Takaba, a small smirk was now visible on his face, which Takaba didn't like. "Why don't you come here and sit down next to him." Asami motioned with his hand for Takaba to come over to him. Wary as he was Takaba decided that the best option would be do to as Asami wanted and sit down next to him. "So what did you come here for, are you horny because I haven't been paying you enough attention?" a heavy blush fell across Takaba's face when Asami asked causing the older man a lot of amusement.

"Hell no! I came here because-" before Takaba could finish his sentence Asami had pinned him against the side of the sofa catching his lips in a heated kiss, despite Takaba trying to resist he found himself responding the kiss, he let a moan slip when the older man pulled away.

"It would seem as though my assumption is correct." Asami smirked as he licked his lips

"Bastard." Takaba looked away from the older man, a blush still noticeable on his face. Asami hadn't removed his hand which was on Takaba's. It took a few seconds but something clicked in Takaba's mind causing him to look at Asami again. "Are you sick?" Asami raised an eye brow at this question.

"Sick, why do you ask?"

"Your hands are warm, your voice sounds slightly different, not to mention your face looks pale." now looking at Asami so close it did indeed look like the older could've been sick.

"Its nothing important, just a mild cold." Asami replied as Takaba narrowed his eyes at the other.

"Just a mild cold?" Takaba repeated as he reached his hand forward and touched Asami's forehead, the other leaned into the feeling allow for Takaba to feel that Asami's forehead felt quite warm. "You have a fever don't you?" Asami's eyes snapped open and he moved away from the other.

"I'm fine." Asami told him in a firm tone of voice.

"To hell with that!" Takaba snapped as he stood up stop the older man from doing the same. "Your sick, you shouldn't be here working, you should be back home resting."

"I told you its nothing to worry about, its nothing serious enough for me to quit my work." Asami brushed Takaba's hands away as he stood up, Asami's vision spun and he felt as though he would fall back for a slight second but caught himself but not quick enough for Takaba not to notice.

"My point exactly, your work can wait for a while, you're not going to be do everything properly if you're not well enough to pay attention."

"Its just paperwork that I have to do."

"No!" Takaba said firmly as he shoved the older man back onto the sofa. "You're going to rest. You can give this work to anyone else to do." a smirk appeared on Asami's face, he was quite amused by the adamant way that Takaba was dealing with the situation in.

"So what're you going to do in return for me if I agree to rest?" Asami's question caused Takaba to be taken aback. Asami's smirk grew as Takaba looked at him confused. "I'm not going to do anything that won't give me anything in return."

"What do you want?" Takaba asked, he had a guess what Asami was going to say, but it wouldn't hurt to hope that he would ask for something else.

"I want you to move in, I know you came here to talk about the fact that I move everything back to my pent house, but it would seem that there won't be much of problem with that now." Takaba bit his bottom lip, he didn't want to move in with the bastard yakuza, but if it meant he would rest then Takaba supposed that he could do it for the time being.

"Fine, I'll agree to do that, if you agree to rest and do what I say without arguing."

"There won't be any complaints on my part if you also agree to do as I say." Takaba felt a knot in his stomach form when Asami said this words while wearing his devilish smirk, Takaba knew what to expect, but it was for the greater good so he could handle anything that Asami wanted.
The car ride was a rather quiet as both Asami and Takaba kept to themselves. Takaba kept to his usual corner of the limousine as he knew Asami wouldn't hesitate to touch him if he got the chance. Takaba was busy wondering how exactly he was supposed to take care of Asami as more then likely the yakuza had never had anyone take care of him before. Takaba almost jumped when he heard the sound of folder being moved and opened. Looking over at Asami Takaba saw a folder open in front of him while he read the papers that were inside.

"You're not supposed to be working." Takaba told Asami, the other not even bothering to look up at him.

"I'm reading not working." Asami correct as Takaba reached over to try and grab the folder from him.

"Same difference since its work related!" Takaba was about to snatch the document when Asami moved it out of his reach once again, at the same moment Takaba's hand slipped causing him to fall right into the Yakuza's lap. Asami seemed quite amused by this, before Takaba managed to get out of his reach Asami had already pulled him back into his lap.

"It would seem as though you really can't resist me." Asami whispered sensually in Takaba's ear giving it a soft nip as causing the other to shiver from the contact.

"Stop, let me go." Takaba half moaned as Asami nipped the skin around his collar bone. Takaba tried pushing against the strong chest, but his body was hardly listening and doing what his mind told it.

"Remember we had an agreement." Asami reminded as he caught the photographer's lips in a harsh kiss as his hands slide underneath Takaba's shirt, traveling up from his stomach till he reached his chest where he began to tease the already hard nipples. Once the kiss was broken Takaba leaned his head against Asami's shoulder as he tried to regain his lost breath which was really hard to do since Asami wasn't leaving his body alone. Takaba shivered when he felt one of the two hands on his chest travel back down from his chest, past his stomach to his pants were the brushed against the hard bulge that was under the jeans. Takaba couldn't hold back a whimper of want when Asami squeezed the bulge ever so lightly. "You're already so hard and we haven't even gotten that far." Asami teased as a blush appeared on Takaba's face.

"You know its your fault, you damn- nhhhn." Takaba's sentence was cut off when he moan as Asami slipped his hand underneath both the jeans and pants and was currently very softly touching Takaba's member.

"Of course its my fault, after all no one but me would do this to you." Asami told the boy as he grabbed the hard member and began to pump it at a faster pace. Takaba tossed his head back as he tried to refrain from moaning, those words plus the actions were sending his head spinning into a haze of lust which he knew he wouldn't be able to escape from. He was close to cumming when he felt Asami's hand disappear. Opening his confused and lust filled hazel eyes he looked at Asami to see the older man grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "We can finish this later at the house." Asami whispered as he deposited the other off his lap. Before Takaba had a chance to voice any sort of protest Asami already had his cell phone opened and was talking to the other person. Takaba glared at Asami. He was pissed at the Yakuza for answering him phone, not because he was near his climax and the older man decided to stop just for an incoming phone... okay so maybe he was a little pissed about that but his biggest reason was: Asami wasn't resting. Takaba glanced over at Asami when he heard the older man clear his voice more then once, Takaba also though he saw that the other had a problem swallowing for a second.

About that time that Asami got off the phone the limousine stopped in front of the pent house and Kirishima got out and opened the doors for them. Once out Takaba moved over to Asami's side of the limousine and watched as the older man got making sure to be there in case he felt dizzy again. Thankfully nothing happened and both made it inside without any problems.

Once inside Takaba got Asami sitting in the living room on the sofa and much to Takaba surprise Asami didn't fight him about sitting down.

"Where do you keep your thermometer?" Takaba asked from the kitchen.

"Thermometer? I don't have one of those." Asami replied as he held back the sudden urge to cough. Much to his irritation it wd seem that Takaba was right about him needing to rest.

"How can you not have one? Its a very important thing to have on hand when you're sick."

"I've not been sick before so I've never had a need for one." Takaba growled in annoyance as he came back out from the kitchen.

"I'll have to go pick one up, but for now we need to get you laying down."

"I'm perfectly fine sitting right here." Asami replied as Takaba grabbed his hand.

"You need to be lying down, sleep is one of the most important things involved with fighting off a virus." Takaba argued. "Besides that we had an agreement that you''d do as I said! This isn't just a one sided thing."

"Fine, but if I'm going to have sleep your not leaving." Asami told the photographer a smirk on his face as he stood up.

"Then how exactly am I supposed to get what I need?"

"You don't because we won't need them." Asami replied. biting his bottom lip Takaba decided to just put the argument to the side, knowing that it would get him nowhere.


Once in the room Takaba went to the task of getting the tie and suit off of Asami who was watching him with a smirk which Takaba tried his hardest to ignore, he wasn't quite ready to continue fooling around and he doubted that it would be good for Asami if they did do anything. Once this task was done Asami moved over to the bed where he laid down in a comfortable position turning to face Takaba as he patted the bed in a signal for the other to get on it next to him. Moving over to the other side of the bed Takaba got on it and moved so that he was laying down next to Asami. Turning on his side he felt strong arms wrap around him and pull him into a broad chest. Takaba couldn't hold back a shiver when he felt Asami's breath against the back of his neck.

It took only a few minutes before Takaba heard Asami's breathing slow down signaling that he had fallen asleep, knowing that the other wasn't a hard sleeper Takaba was going to have to be careful about how he got out of the bed otherwise Asami would wake up. Moving out of the arms slowly he managed to sit up before freezing when he heard a soft noise coming from Asami. Turning his head to look at other he saw that he was still sleeping but appeared to be stopping himself from coughing. Asami emitted a few more of these noises before the cough seemed to go away and Asami's body relaxed again. After watching the other for a few seconds longer Takaba reached over to the dresser and grabbed Asami's phone off of it. Searching through the list of contacts he pressed Kirishima's and waited for the other to pick up, knowing that he himself wouldn't be able to leave without it bothering Asami he'd have to have Kirishima pick up the things that he was going to need.

Asami woke up feeling worse then hell. His head was throbbing at an irritable pace, swallowing caused him to feel as though he had just swallowed a bunch of glass, and his body ached like he had been hit by a truck. Trying to open his eyes resulted in his head hurting worse so he gave up on doing that. Laying there he realized that he didn't feel the warmth of the photographer lying next to him. After realizing this he began to faintly smell the scent of food around his stuffy nose. Did the boy know how to cook? Just about the time that Asami opened his eyes he heard the sound of footsteps coming back up the stairs, turning to look at the door Asami watched as Takaba carefully opened the door while balancing a tray in his hand, turning to look at the bed Takaba seemed surprised to see that Asami was awake.

"I was expecting you to still be sleeping." Takaba commented as he set the tray down next to the nightstand. Just one glance at Asami told the photographer that he was feeling worse. Reaching down he grabbed the thermometer off the tray and pulled it out of its case. Pressing the button he beeped as he turned it on. "You're going to take your temperature." Asami opened his mouth to say something allowing Takaba to take the opportunity to put the thermometer in it. Asami glared at the photographer held the device in his mouth, if it wasn't for the fact that he felt sick he would've done something that made sure the boy wouldn't try to do what he just done again. Upon hearing the beep Takaba slide the device out of Asami's mouth and glared at the reading on it. "Its says you're 102.8. Your fever is higher then it should." Takaba told Asami who watched as he wiped off the device and put it back in its case. Grabbing the tray he placed it on the bed before sitting down on the bed. "Once you've eaten some of this if you can I'll give you some medicine that'll help take the fever down and make some of the symptoms go away." Takaba told Asami as he removed the lid on the dish and handed Asami the spoon.

"I don't need-" Asami stopped speaking before he finished his sentence. His voice sounded cracked and horse which was very displeasing to is ears, but it wasn't nearly as displeasing as the feeling of pain in his throat from just trying to speak.

"Don't force yourself to speak just eat, you'll make the pain worse." Takaba told Asami as the older man looked down at the food in front of him. "Don't worry this shouldn't hurt you to eat, its actually one of the bests food for a second person to eat." Taking a spoon full of the watery rice dish Asami brought it up to his mouth and took a bite. He found the food to be easy to chew and appeared to sooth his sore throat. Takaba was pleased that Asami seemed to like the food. "You eat that and I'll be back in just a few minutes with the medicine." Takaba told Asami as he stood up, and left the room.
After finish eating the food and taking the medicine that Takaba had brought in Asami was laying back down again. The food had helped to take away some of the pain in his throat, but did nothing for his aching head and sore body. The medicine wasn't the nicest thing that Asami had tasted before but he wasn't going to complain about a little bit of nasty medicine seeing as he got injuries that were worse then that, he wouldn't hesitate though to use against the photographer later if the medicine did nothing to help him. Glancing over Asami saw Takaba sitting at the edge of the bed holding something in his hand.

"Is something wrong?" Asami asked in a low tone not wishing to irritate his throat. His voice seemed to startle Takaba because he almost dropped the object in his hand when he turned to look at Asami.

"Nothing's wrong." Takaba replied setting the object on the nightstand. Truth was Takaba had to cancel a job that he had gotten an offer for because they wouldn't agree to wait any longer for him to get it done and with having to take care of the Yakuza there was no possible way he was going to be able to get it done. Turning he looked straight into golden eyes, damn even when he was sick he still looked like a predator. "Are you feeling any better?" Takaba asked as he leaned over to lay his hand over Asami's forehead to see how hot it felt.

"About the same as before." Asami replied as he closed his eyes enjoying the cool touch of the photographer's hand on his forehead.

"You should try and get some more sleep." Takaba suggested.

"What about you, its getting quite late, you should be getting sleep soon yourself." Takaba almost laughed out loud when Asami said this, he never thought the day would come when Asami would take about him getting sleep at night. With the Yakuza the biggest thing that happened every night was sex not sleep.

"I'll be going to sleep soon." Takaba replied moving off the bed as Asami watched him. "I'm going to take a shower before I get that far along." Asami closed his eyes when he heard the photographer start looking through his things obviously trying to find something to wear.

"Asami, Asami." Asami became conscious to someone calling his name, but he didn't really want to wake up. "Asami, you need to take more medicine." he felt something softly shake his shoulders. Realizing who the person was Asami decided that he was going to get what he wanted before. Feeling movement on the bed and a soft sigh come from the photographer, after a few seconds on hearing nothing Asami felt a soft cool hand rest itself against his forehead, it felt nice and he didn't want the feeling to go away. Feeling the hand move away Asami snapped his eyes opened as he grabbed Takaba's hand pulled the boy against his chest, he heard a surprised gasp come from the photographer caused by the action he had just done. "You were awake the whole!" Takaba snapped as he tried to squirm away from the others tight embrace.

"Maybe I was." Asami replied back as he continued to hold onto the photographer tightly.

"You need to take your medicine." Takaba tried to reason as he felt one of Asami's hands began to slip under his shirt.

"I'm about to take a much sweeter medicine right." Asami murmured against Takaba's ear as a dark red blush feel across the boy's face.

"Dammit Asami! I'm serious, you need to take the medicine." Takaba shouted as he tried to grab the hand that was assaulting his nipples and causing him pleasure.

"I'll take that medicine later, for now let me enjoy this." Asami nipped Takaba's ear before licking from his ear down to his jaw line. Flipping the photographer Asami was now looming above him while the boy was pinned to the bed.

"Let me go!" Takaba snapped as he tried to free his hands from Asami's grip.

"Agreement Takaba, agreement." Asami reminded as his hand reached for Takaba's waist line and lingered there for a few seconds in order to tease the boy.

"You're sick, you shouldn't-" Takaba's sentence was cut off by his lips being sealed by a harsh kiss from Asami. Once again Takaba found himself losing his mind as the older man reached down and squeezed his member ever so lightly then allowed his hand to linger near it. Takaba couldn't stop the moan that came out due to this action. He hated how man brought forth the feelings that he tried so hard to forget about.

"Stop." Takaba moaned as Asami nipped the flesh around his collarbone.

"Stop you say? Your body isn't agreeing to those words though." Asami pulled Takaba's shirt up and began to run his tongue across his chest till he reached one of the bright red buds which he proceed to bite causing a cry to come out of the photographer's mouth when he proceeded to lick the injured bud. While Takaba was distracted with these actions Asami managed to slip his shirt off over his head. Moving down to his pants Asami began pulling them down and stopped when he reached the point where Takaba's member was visable to him. "So hard already." Asami commented as he brought his head down to lick the weeping shaft, the boy left out a loud gasp and tried to push Asami away as he continued the action of licking his member. The heat coming from Asami's tongue was driving Takaba crazy, but he refused to beg for what he wanted, he didn't want to encourage Asami to continue with his actions. Feeling his pants pulled down further he felt as Asami teased his entrance with a finger which after a few seconds he pushed into the tight flesh causing Takaba to tighten around the intruding object which he wasn't expecting.

"No more, really- you can- make yourself-worse." Takaba panted out as he tried to ignore the sensation in his ass. Asami smirked down at the photgrapher who's face was flushed while he tired to scowl and act authoritative, but on both actions he was failing misrable.

"Hmm I doub't I'll make myself worse, I'm quite certain that after this I'll feel much better." Asami argued as he added a third finger into the tight entrance causing Takaba to arch his back and stiffle another moan which threatened to come out. Using his other hand Asami pulled down his own pants to reveal his hard memeber which was aching to be inside the tight flesh his fingers were currently occuping. Removing his fingers he thrust into Takaba causing the other to cry out from the rather large intrusion. It didn't hurt him as much as the first time Asami had penetrated him but the pain was still bad. Asami took his time as he got the photographer use to his large size, making sure not to hurt him as he slowly thrust in and out causing Takaba to both cry out and moan from what he was doing.

It was an hour later when Asam finally let the photographer go, in that time Takaba came three times to the one time that Asami came. Sitting up Takaba winced as he felt his lower back protest, looking over he saw that Asami appeared to already be asleep again, strange for even him to quit after an hour, but then again he was sick. Looking over at the clock Takaba saw that it was already past 1am. He sighed feeling irriated that it was already that late and he hadn't even managed to get Asami to take the second dose of his medicine. Feeling defeated Takaba decided that it was best to go to sleep and forget about anything else until Asami woke up again.

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