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Like a pumpkin,

She carves into her arm.

Pictures and letters.


She settled on describing herself.

On her left arm,

Etched and scarred is the word


Underlined and bloody,

Yet pretty it her eyes.

She's addicted to carving herself.

She says it's alright cuz..

It's almost Halloween,

Everyone carves...

Her canvas is just different,

Not a pumpkin,

But her arm.

It's so pretty to her,

The carving she has.

She loves it.

It should be on display,

Yet people thinks she's crazy.

They don't understand...

It's pretty,

It's ART.

She's an artist.

And she's magic.

She draws with a silver pen,

But the ink is red,

It's amazing,


But maybe she should stop.

What if someone saw?

What if her parents saw?

What would they saw?

What what if the counselor saw,

What would she say?

Doesn't matter.

It's true.

She's ugly,

She looks in the mirror and hates what she sees.

Her boyfriend is sweet,

He said he wanted to be with her for a long time,

But why?

Why her?

She couldn't figure it out,

So she carves.

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