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Certain material makes a good poem.
Like making a cake,
or a batch of cookies.
You need the correct ingredients.

Why does pain need to be
first in the poems recipe?

Why can't I make a loving poem?

They don't make sense.
They're terrible.

I'll be waiting.
I'll sit here,

My soul falling for you;
You took my heart.
Now I'm just waiting for you to break it.
Like everyone else.

Just crush me.

Tell me you'll hurt me.
Give me a poem.
Or give me a blade.

I need one or the other.

Hurry up!
The time passing takes forever,
And I'm falling harder than before.

I wait all day to talk to you,
I miss you when I wake up.
I miss you when I go to sleep.

End it now.

Poems need ingredients;
You're giving me the wrong ones.

This won't be forever—
It never is.

Just give me a poem.
Break my heart now.
Don't lead me on.
Don't keep calling me;
Don't keep talking to me,



Just break me now.

I'm ready.
I've fallen;
You have my heart.

Now crush it.

Inscribe the words I need.
Do it now.

If you don't do it now,
I will expect forever from you.
Don't make me expect that.

It never lasts.
It never lasts?

Don't break me worse than he did.
You rescued me.
Don't do it later;
I'll just fall harder.

Give me a poem now!

—I need ingredients.

It's about the pain that will come,
The pain you're bound to cause.
It's about how I want it now.

Do it.
   Break me.
Before I say it.

Those three fatal words—
The ones that break me.
The ones used against me.

Those three words he was scared of.
Eight letters. Eight.
Three words. Three.

One syllable each.


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