C H A P T E R : N I N E

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Your point of view

"(Y/n) who are these people?" Charles said curiously. "What! You don't know who I am?!" Tony said confused. "(Y/n) after all we've been trough together I thought you would've mentioned me at least once." He said sounding kind of disappointed, I just laughed awkwardly while itching my neck.

Tony's point of view

What? Why did nobody know who I am. I thought that I meant something to her, after all we've been through, she told me that she was nothing without me. I shouldn't think like this! After all, she hasn't visited in a long time, I should've expected this.

Your point of view

"Just tell us who they are" storm said, "okay just sit down and I'll tell you guys"

" So these people are from Earth just like we are, but they're from a different Earth, an Earth that is not in our universe but that is in another dimension. I know this may sound weird, but I found them when I was playing around with my powers and got stuck in their world for a while, they were nice enough to let me live with them till I find out how to get back here again. In that time I saw how powerful they are. They are called the Avengers in their world, they protect the Earth, just like we protect ours, but they are not mutants. They have different powers and got them differently. So let me introduce them."

"This is Tony Stark, hes the smart one, he doesn't have any powers except being cursed with knowledge, with his knowledge he invented a suit that's very strong and powerful, he calls himself iron man, okay next one." "Hey wait! I would like to add something about me" tony interrupted, I just nodded showing that he could continue "okay so the story about how I invented my suit is quite interesting. I got kidnapped by people who wanted me to make them my newest invention, but you must not forget that I also was dying, another men who got kidnapped made me something that could keep me alive for maybe a week, so in that week that I could live they wanted me to make a bomb for them, I said I would do it but really I wasn't doing it cause they were bad guys, with the other man I was making a suit that could get us out of here, and that is how the iron man was born" Stark said proudly. "So what do you guys think about him?" I asked, they all started to look at each other and nodded "I think he's very useful if he's as smart as you're saying" said Charles "and your suit has to be strong because you yourself don't look so strong, next one please (y/n)" Charles said while I was dying from laughter and Tony just looked irritated.

"Okay so next one is Bruce Banner, him and Stark together are the science bros, Bruce is also really smart, but not as smart as Tony, he isn't a hero because he's smart, it's because he has powers or a friend, I don't really know how to call it" I said "Bruce do you want to tell how you got your powers yourself?" I asked "yeah sure, so uhm let's begin. It's not gonna be a long backstory since I don't remember a lot of it, so I'm gonna tell you what I can. We were doing a scientific experiment and it kinda went wrong, well actually went terribly wrong, I was exposed to too much gamma radiation and turned.... green as you can call it" Bruce said "so what's his power? Being green?" Storm asked "no his power is more powerful than you think, so when he gets angry he does get green, but he also gets very very strong, it's hard to explain you'll see in training or battle, and we call him Hulk when he's green" I explained "impressive, but next one please." Charles said

"Okay so next is Steve Rogers, he's very old, but not because he's immortal but because he's been in the ice for 70 years and he hasn't aged when he was in the ice. Before he went into the ice he was a soldier, but not always such a strong soldier, first he was not so strong, he kinda looked ill, but he was still a soldier, uhm take it from here cap?" He nodded and took over "before I went into the ice a man trusted me with great power for that time, he thought my heart was good enough to get this power without using it for bad stuff, he trusted me with the serum. The serum increased my stamina and my strength, they call me Captain America" Steve said "oh shit that's cool" Peter said "language" Steve mumbled, I laughed while Charles asked for the next one.

"Next is Natasha Romanoff, she doesn't have a powerful suit or powers, she is just an awesome fighter, she is born and raised as a spy which gives her incredible combat skills, we call her Black Widow" I said, I looked at Natasha if she wanted to add anything but she just nodded.

"Next is Thor Odinson, he calls himself the most powerful avenger, he is the god of thunder, which I must admit is pretty awesome, he in fact is not from Earth, he is from Asgard, but it's way too complicated to explain all of this dimension thing so we'll just skip that, Thor is worthy of lifting an hammer, he doesn't have a superhero name everyone calls him Thor" I said, Thor just smiled like crazy. "And what's so special about lifting a hammer?" Beast asked curiously "oh it's not just a hammer" Thor said excited "Okay I'm gonna go to the next one"

"Next is Clint Barton, it's weird how less things I know about him, all I know actually is that's hes awesome at shooting an arrow with a bow, people call him Hawkeye, do you want to add anything Clint?" "No it's fine, I don't like being an open book" he answered, I nodded and looked at Charles, "I'm curious about what you can do Clint, because being a superhero with just a bow and arrow must be hard, next one please"

"Next one is Wanda Maximoff, she is one of the most powerful ones in my opinion, sorry Thor, she is one of the enhaced, her powers are awesome, she is able to move things with her mind, a lot like Jean, people call he Scarlet Witch" Wanda nodded and looked at Charles "sounds great, you could be to great use Wanda" Charles said.

"Last but not least, this is Pietro Maximoff hes Wanda's twin, he is also enhanced he is the quicksilver of their Earth, but a little bit slower than ours" I said while winking "ahh dudeee I'm the quicksilver here, can't wait to get to know you!" Peter said excited "were this all of them?" Charles asked, I nodded and sat down. ((A/n) I know he's dead but he's not in this story cause I couldn't handle him being dead"

"I'm glad you guys can help us" Charles said "we start training in fifteen minutes so get ready"

Word count: 1227 words

(A/n) I'm actually kinda proud of myself that this chapter was kinda long, but I have a few things to say. I know that there mistakes but eheheeh I'm not a very good fan and I don't have good memory, and this story is based on a dream and dreams don't make sense but i am trying to make sense out of it and this is what you get then. I know I don't get a lot of reads, but to the very few people who read, please comment because it would mean a lot to me. Thank you!

Xx Pennywise

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