C H A P T E R : T W O

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your point of view

In all those years you've discovered that you have are capable of more that you thought at first, with your power of teleportation you can also travel to other dimensions, and also that you are immortal, you stopped aging at the age of 25.

The present time

"Can I have another glass of whiskey?" You asked.
"I think you've had enough" Charles said
"Well if you're not gonna give it to me then I'll just get it myself"
"Look (y/n) I know you've been trough a lot, but you're not alone anymore, you've got us now" Charles said "there is no need to drink your feelings away anymore"

"But you don't know what I've been trough and what I've seen" you said.
"You're right, i don't know that, and I don't think I wanna know, but Logan knows and  I think that if you quit drinking you'll have a lot more potential than you think"
"I DONT NEED YOUR HELP AND I DONT WANNA JOIN YOUR STUPID X-MEN, I've been doing fine on my own" you yelled
Charles sighed and left the room. You walk to the bar and get another glass of whiskey and sit down on a chair. You hear a door creak and see Logan walk in.

"You can leave Logan, im not gonna change my mind"

"Oh I know that (y/n) that's what I said as well, but I just want you to know that we have a room here for you were you can sleep and we have food, maybe after you got used to it you can come and talk to me" Logan said

"Don't hold your breath" you said as he left the room.

~ 284 words ~

(A/n) ew my chapter are so short, should I make two chapter into one? Or that doesn't matter?

Two Souls, One Heart ~ Wolverine (Logan) x Reader COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now