Chapter 1_First School

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Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club ^^

Chapter 1: First School

In front of the school building



This school is really huge and pink…. I mean to me that is. To tell the truth, this is my first time going to a school even though I’m sixteen. The only schools that I’ve seen are from all the manga that I’ve read. Really pathetic isn’t it?

Sigh. This is my life. I was born with heart disorder and had been going in and out of the hospital since young. So I guess besides home, then only other place I’d be would be is the hospital. And because of this situation, I was not allowed to go to school. Therefore my parents would hire private tutors so that I could study like the other kids. Fortunately, as I become older, my health condition gets slightly better and I was allowed to go to school. And so here I am.

Holding on tight to my sketchbook, the only thing that keeps me occupied when I used stay at home all day, in front of my chest in one hand and my school bag on the other, I walked nervously behind the teacher who brought me to my class. Hehe~ my parents actually requested that because I’ve a bad sense of direction. Sometimes I might even get lost in my own house. People whispered and pointed to me as I walked past them, making more butterflies in my stomach. When there’s a new student, people look. Especially when I’m the only one standing out, dressed in a set of cute stylish clothes that I’ve made for myself instead of those puffy yellow weird looking dresses.

Just as I entered the class with the teacher, the bell rang. More students filled the class, chattering and laughing.

“All right, all right. Settle down now.” The teacher called. “We have a new student today.”

“Konnichiwa, my name is Arisa Hitori…. Erm.. And I’ll be joining your class today…” I fidgeted as I speak. I tried to smile to hide my nervousness but with about forty pairs of eyes staring at me, it’s really impossible. It made me feel difficult to breathe. I clutched my sketchbook tighter to my chest feeling uncomfortable. It’s ok. Relax Arisa. Relax. You’ll be alright.


A girl raised her hand and asks, “Is your hair colour natural?”

I quickly gave her a slight nod. Stay calm. Oh god teacher. Can’t you just quickly tell me where my seat is?

“Well Ms Hitori, please take a seat next to Kaoru Hitachiin at the back.” Finally! Sighing with relief, I looked up to see a hand raised at the back. Immediately, I walked to the back of the class, trying my best to ignore the stares.

I spotted the person who had raised his hand and noticed that the student beside him was a girl in a boy’s uniform. Weird. The boy on the other side of the girl looked like the one I’m sitting beside with – Kaoru Hitachiin; they are twins! It’s seemed so cool to me that they were twins, since I’m the only child at home, but I brushed it off. I sat down and began listening to the teacher’s lesson – Art. Even though it’s my favourite subject, in less then ten minutes, I feel like falling asleep already. It’s so boring.

Sigh. This teacher is so boring. Can’t he make his lesson more interesting? I took out my sketchbook and began to look around the class for something to sketch. Then I remembered. The twins! I could design something for twins to wear, since the clothes that I’ve ever designed were for my parents and me. I began designing clothes with the twins as models on my book. I guess I was too absorbed in my work that I didn’t notice that the bell had rung.

Done! I lifted my book in front of me with satisfaction.

 “Sugoi ne Haruhi!?” Two voices exclaimed behind me, making me jump. I turned around and realised that it was the twins and the girl who cross-dressed as a boy.

“Hai. She’s really talented isn’t it?” Haruhi replied.

“Arigato…” I blushed looking down. This is the first time anyone has ever complimented my designs besides my parents.

“Did you draw us as models?” Kaoru asked.

“Hai…. I wanted to try designing clothes….. For twins since I’ve never done that before…...”

“Kakoi! Maybe we’ll be your real models when you’re done making the clothes, right Hikaru?” Kaoru grinned at his brother and Hikaru nodded.

“You two can’t just ask someone who barely knows you to make clothes for you,” Haruhi frown.

“It’s….it’s alright….. I love designing……and making clothes…... So I don’t mind…..” I smiled. “Ano, I was wondering…… if you guys could bring me around the school so that….erm….I can familiarize with this place…….?”

“Sure! But we’re heading to the Host Club now,” the twins replied.

“Hmm... What’s a Host Club?”

“ You’ll know when you get there,” the twins chorused mischievously as they walked out of the classroom, pulling me and Haruhi along.

Thank you for reading ^^

I hope that the story is nice so far. It took me some time to start. Is it long-winded? I hope not. >^<

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