Chapter 28_Long Forgotten

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Chapter 28: Long Forgotten

“Baka Kaoru! Baka baka!” Arisa cried out in frustration, kneeling on the ground as she panted.

Out of fury and hurt, she had unknowingly run up to a roof in some part of the school. The weather had slowly begun to turn for the worse; the wind had begun picking up its speed, allowing clouds to loom over the city quickly. All this, however, had gone unnoticed by the blue brunette who had her mind replaying unwanted scenes that had happened that day over and over again like a broken tape recorder.

Leaning against the fence that had been built to prevent students from falling over the roof, Arisa tugged her knees under her as she buried her head onto her arms. She could not understand why Kaoru had been so cold to her today. While sobbing, she had tried her best to recap if she had any wrongdoings which may had become the reason for his harsh behaviour. She found none. Arisa had thought today would be one of the best day would ever had. She thought that she could finally work together with everyone in class for the carnival for the first time in her life, and most of all, to be able to have fun working together with Kaoru. She thought that she might even be able to watch the bonfire, which Hikaru had mentioned yesterday, that the school would be having later at night.

But now all those are definitely going to happen anymore… Arisa thought bitterly to herself as she felt the burning sensation that was building in her chest. More tears threatened to seep from her eyes. Shutting her eyes, her body shook as uncontrollable tears flowed endlessly.

“Hey,” a voice called out to her as she stiffened.

“How did you find me?” Her voice sounded muffled as she kept her head down, not looking up.

“Lucky guess?” The raven boy answered cheerfully, hoping to improve her mood, but it did not seem that it worked. Sighing, he took a seat beside her.

“You ok?” He asked as he stared at the sky but no response was heard; instead all he heard were soft sobs. Awkwardly he patted her head as he sighed again. He was never good with handling such stuffs nor was he sure of how to comfort a person. He just let her cry out all the unhappiness she had within her.




Kaoru huffed as he reached the end of the stairs leading to the roof. Clinging to the railing of the stairs, he closed his eyes for a moment to catch his breath. He had a feeling that she would be there. He had been regretting it. Remorse had clung onto him the moment he saw the hurt that had flashed in her eyes when he had shouted at her in class. She had not done anything wrong. Instead it was entirely his fault. Even when he knew she loved him, even if he knew no one would be able to take her away from him, he could not bear to see all the attention especially those gazes on her. Straightening himself, he carefully twisted the doorknob and gingerly stepped out onto the roof.

Quiet sobs jingled in the area as Kaoru internally cursed even more. Seeing her vulnerably crying in the corner made his heart clenched out to her. Slowly he approached her, but had stopped in his steps when he saw the person beside her. Jealousy grew within his again. Despite being entirely his fault, he wanted to be the first one to comfort her. He wanted to be the first one to be beside her, to stop her precious tears, to stay with her. But it was not the case now anymore. Just as he was about to take a step back, he was noticed by the raven boy.

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