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Watching Mary walk around the room, she hummed an unknown tune as she stopped at the large bookshelf.

Taking a seat on one of the wooden stools, I watched her carefully. I was still yet to trust this lady even though she has shown no harm to me yet. Frowning, I felt my mind become hazy. With a small shake of my head, I stood from the stool.

"How did you know I was coming?"

Turning to me with a small chuckle, Mary turned and continued looking for something on the shelf. "You should know by now I have powers beyond your imagination... In fact, most elder healers do."

Continuing to gaze at Mary, I found myself almost lost in her movements. Everything she did looked graceful. Taking a deep breath I sat back down on the stool.

Gripping the edge of the wooden stool, my mouth becomes dry. "Can you tell me more about what happening with me?"

Stopping her graceful movements, I heard Mary sigh. It wasn't one of tiredness, no, it was one full of hurt. Mary turned with a sad smile gracing her face. Walking towards me she placed the book she had found onto the wooden table, before taking her seat in front of me.

Grasping my hands in her own, she gave them a gentle squeeze. "When you were chosen, you were healed, Abagail. The book gave its last energy to you and you know that."

Nodding I waited for her to continue.

"You need to make a choice soon. That choice will be either you become the great book and save millions, or you stay as you are and the dragon's we know and love will be no more."

Taking in her words I felt my chest become heavy. "What else does becoming the great book mean?"

Smiling, Mary patted the tops of my hands in a way a mother would if they were calming down their child. "The names of the new riders will begin to appear just like they have already. Not only will you learn of new riders, but you can also control all dragons. You have the ability to help those move on."

Frowning at her cryptic words, I found my mind shifting to Luca and Torren. Gazing back at Mary I watched as a knowing smile graced her face. She knew what I had just realised. Smiling I stood from the stool.

"Thank you," I whispered. Turning to leave, I stopped when a soft hand grasped my own. Turning to Mary I watched as her smile fell.

"You don't have long to make your decision, Abagail. I suggest you do what you've been planning to before it's too late to make up your mind."

Numbly nodding, I turned and left.

All the information I had just gotten only filled me with wanting more. Mary was right. I knew what I needed to do, and the only way I could do it was by destroying the one thing that was getting in my way.

Later that night, all the riders were in the dining hall for diner. William had ordered us all to eat together in some hopes of bringing us all closer like before. The only issue was no one was talking. The room was filled with so much tension I felt like I could pass out.

Clearing his throat, Talios stood. "If I may say, I am proud of all those who sit here tonight. We have fought hard, with each one of us fighting to get where we are. The only way we can truly win is if we work together... our bond will never break for those on the other end of our blades."

A few of the riders cheered. Stealing a glance at William I was shocked to see his gaze already on me. There was something about those blue eyes that had heat rising up my neck. His gaze was so intense that I had to look away.

Grasping my metal cup, I too stood gaining the attention of the other riders. Smiling at all those in the room, I felt pride pulse through me. "I want to say thank you to everyone in this room. I know my actions have caused us a lot of grief but we have overcome all these hurdles as one. Let's make sure the Kingdom of Athena will forever be known as the peaceful land."

The Dragon Rider Vol. 4 Death of a KingWhere stories live. Discover now