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The very next morning, I found myself sitting out in the training field. A meeting had been called about an hour ago and the remaining riders were called into the large hall. From what I had heard from Talios, William wanted to get a few men together to head down to Clyde Bay in order to collect the new rider.

Although William knew of the location of the rider, he still had no name to follow it up with. I had refused many times last night in telling him. I knew Williams ways by now. He would visit me late at night to make up for any arguments or tiffs, and then expect me to talk freely with him in regards to visions or things Markus had spoken when he appeared to me.

I refused him, and although it broke me, I knew I had no other option. I had already made up my mind about what I wanted to do. Although I loved William, I couldn't have him close to me in the fear he would get hurt again.

Watching as Aurora stretch out her wings, a small smile graced my lips. "You seem eager to fly this morning."

I feel our journey has altered.

"Have we swayed from our first path?" I was mildly curious about what we were destined to do. Torren knew Markus was going to turn evil and the same for Luca's dragon. He knew they were to be killed yet here Luca stood. I wasn't sure if Luca was spared from Toban's blade because he had a plan for him, or if Toban actually cared for Luca.

Our destiny is one of true greatness. You have gone the path I had only hoped you would. You know the answer hides within your heart. Following the path will lead you to your true power.

Turning to me with a small puff from her nose, Aurora lowered her body towards the ground before taking off into the air. Smiling as I watched her body disappear into the clouds, I felt her energy flow through me in strong waves. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes. For so long I longed for this feeling to return, and yet now that I have her back I still feel like I'm being held captive.

"What do you see, Aurora," I whispered.

The sound of her angelic laugh echoed through my mind before my body started to buzz. Close your eyes and see.

Closing my eyes I focused solely on her voice. Before I knew it I found my mind linked with hers. I could now see she was above the clouds, as the soft thumps of her wings moving echoed around me.

Bringing her wings closer to her body, Aurora dived closer towards the ground. Breaking through the clouds I watched the river of peace come into view as she continued to dive. Even though I wasn't riding her, I still felt the breeze that passed through me, filling me with delight.

"I thought I'd find you here." At the sudden voice, I jumped slightly, breaking contact with Aurora. Swinging my hand to the side, I watched as the person flew a few feet back into the field. "Shit." Running towards the man, I was shocked to see Luca laughing as I neared.

Stopping a few feet away with my hands on my hips, I watched as he laughed as if he had just seen something funny. "Are you okay?" I was scared that I had injured him with the fall. I hadn't intentionally meant to use my magic on him. In fact, I hadn't realized I was going to in the first place.

Since the red moon left I thought the effects from the power of the moon would've left me, yet its power still seemed to be fighting within my body.

Leaning back on his elbows, Luca continued to laugh. "Seems you still have your powers, and they're still strong."

With a deep breath, I moved my gaze back to the cloudy sky before dropping it back to him. "What do you want Luca?" I whispered before gazing at the ground.

"I came to see if you were alright. I know William has refused to have you on the missions... Yet here you are still planning a way to go."

Spinning around, I gazed at him in shock. I had yet voiced the want to disobey William's orders, yet Luca knew. He always knew. It was as if we shared some type of connection that only he knew about.

Frowning, I made my way back towards the castle grounds. "Aurora, scout and let me know if you see anything," I whispered.

Yes, my rider.

As I continued towards the castle grounds, I could faintly hear Luca's footsteps as he neared. Although I had wished to talk to him, I was unsure of who I could really trust. The one-man I thought I could trust was William, yet here I am being kept away from all the missions like some damsel. I didn't need protection I could take care of myself.

Yet as the thought entered my mind, I couldn't help but think back to what had happened in Toban's castle. My father had been killed by Toban, and it was all because I needed saving. Reaching the grand steps to the castle, Luca's steps were now closer. Stopping in my tracks, I felt the heat that radiated off of Luca. The warmth sent chills over my cold skin, as my stomach began to churn.

"What are you thinking about, Abagail?" Grazing his fingertips lightly over my arm, I couldn't help the sharp intake of air. His touch sent little shocks over my skin, and as I tried to control my breathing I felt heat on the back of my neck. "What do you know about this new rider?" He whispered.

Turning to Luca with a frown, I watched as his smirk fell. "Did I say something wrong?"

"He sent you here didn't he?" I whispered, just loud enough for us to hear. I didn't want the guards at the door to hear in fear they would run back to William. After all, he was now king and if the guards thought a conversation was needed to be told to the king, they would.

Taking a step closer, Luca shook his head. "He just wants to protect you, Abagail, just like I do."

Sighing, I threw my hands in the air. "I don't need his protection! The longer people keep me hidden in the shadows, means more innocent people will be taken by Toban." Turning away from Luca I left.

As I made my way through the castle towards the meeting rooms, I started to hear shouts. The people behind the door seemed to be arguing about something and as I neared I too heard my name. Stopping outside the door, I strained to hear the conversation on the other end.

"We can't go there without her!" Shouted Talios. "If we go there and leave her here alone, who's to say Toban won't attack here to get her. She is safer with the rest of the riders and you know that."

"Of course I do." Came William's soft voice. His voice alone seemed to calm my racing heart from Luca's encounter only moments ago. "I'm keeping Abagail here to not only try and protect her but to have her rule whilst I'm gone."

"She cannot rule my king, you are not betrothed to each other." This voice I had not yet heard before, and I couldn't help but frown. Who was this man to tell William what he could and couldn't do? William was King, and I could only presume this man was nothing but a council member.

"Yet here I stand telling you what is to happen. Abagail cannot come with us to Clyde Bay under any circumstances. If Toban finds where she is, he will take her without hesitation. We need to find out why he wants her before we strike. Do I make myself clear?"

Mumbled voices filled the room as more than one conversation took over. I couldn't help but wonder what William's plan was, and what he was going to do to Toban. He knew Toban possessed dark magic, and I could only pray nothing bad would happen to William. After standing there for a few more minutes, I grew tired of the many voices that filled the room. Even as I made my way towards Mary's room, I could still hear their voices.

It almost felt as if the arguments over my safety were either none of anyone's concern or the concern of many. William seemed to be pushing the idea on everyone. His words were held together with authority, leaving no room for anyone to object.

Stopping in front of a dark mahogany door, I took a deep breath. Lifting my hand to knock, a small gasp left my lips as it opened. Standing behind the door, Mary gazed at me with a soft smile.

"Come in child. I can see you have much to ask."

The Dragon Rider Vol. 4 Death of a KingWhere stories live. Discover now