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I'm back sitting in this stupid room. I don't want to be here but my mom insisted that I go back. I'm sitting down on the small grey couch and Dr Melissa was sitting at her desk writing something down on her clip board. 

Oh how I want to just smack that clipboard out of her undeserving hands. How dare she write about me while I'm sitting right next to her. Tell it to my face, Caroline.

"Listen, Lia, I'm sorry about last Saturday but you need to be open to talk to me. I can't help you if I don't know what's going on inside your head and if there is something I can help you with." Dr Melissa was back to her steady and calm voice. 

It was a little scary how she could so convincingly hide her true emotions but I knew she wasn't sorry. It was in her eyes, only the truly gifted liars can change the truths that lie hidden in their eyes. And that makes liars so dangerous. 

"We seem to only get somewhere when talking about your friends and I believe we have one left so tell me about Madison. What is she like?"

I don't want to talk to Dr Melissa but I can't have a fighting match with her again. That might land me in the institution my mom was talking about last Saturday. I can't have that happen. I just want to be a normal person. 

"Madison was a sports fanatic. She was on the volleyball team, basketball team and soccer team. She was voted best athlete for the year books two years in a row and kicked Lucas Iparis out of that spot."

"So Lucas was kicked out of Best Athlete position by Madison right?" 

"That's what I just said." My words were emotionless. 

"Right. Continue."

"She was consumed by sports and school. She was working on destroying the stereotype of dumb jocks. She was a straight A student and a Varsity jock. Good person but easily distracted by school things."

"Right so what day are we talking about?"

"The day she won state tournament for soccer." 

"That should be interesting." 


I woke up that day with a pit in my stomach. I sprinted out of bed and ran for the bathroom. I just barely made it to the toilet before I retched and lost the rest of my dinner. I collapsed on the cold seat. My twin brother, Brandon, ran into the bathroom and began rubbing my back.

Brandon was everything I wasn't. He was a social butterfly and climbed the social latter from his ability to talk well with people. Sure being on the football team helped but it was mostly his ability to talk and his ability to listen. 

"Are you okay, Madi?" He asked while kneeling next to me.

"Yeah, it's just nerves." I leaned into my twin brother's shoulders.

I lucked out with Brandon. He is an amazing brother. He doesn't really invest in petty squabbles that most siblings do and we have mutual respect for each other. So that makes our relationship pretty good. 

"Alright lets get some food in you so you don't have to dry heave." Brandon shutters.

Dry heaving is Brandon's worst nightmare. I don't even know why. 

My brother pulls me up off the floor and I flush the toilet and wash out my mouth. When I get downstairs my mom has already made a pan full of eggs. I don't ask questions but slide the entire pan onto my plate and dig in. 

When Brandon walks down stairs and sees that I left no eggs for him he takes my plate and dumps half of the contents onto his own.

"Excuse me sir but those were my eggs." I protested.

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