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"Listen last week we ended on a rough spot. I don't want it to be uncomfortable so lets just talk about your friend this week, who are we on?" Dr Melinda asked me.

"Elie."  I murmured.

"What's that?"

"We are talking about Elie this week." I spoke up.

"Right. And so what story of Elie's are we talking about?"

"Her job." I muttered.



When I woke up that morning I had no idea that I would gain the possibility to be the richest girl in school. Not in money but in secrets. I got up out of my bed that morning and I got ready like normal. Grabbed a Pancake out of my mom's hands and left for the bus. However I had to sprint to my bus stop because my bus was early.

I got onto the bus with a Pancake in my mouth and my backpack in my arms. I sat down in the first available seat. No one came to sit next to me that day. Its a rarity when I have people sitting next to me. I have no friends on my bus and so I mostly sit by myself. 

When the bus stops I go to the football field and sit on the bleachers. I do this every morning because I don't need to sit with anyone in the morning. The football players are doing conditioning this morning and so the cheerleaders have stopped by to watch. 

I don't watch the football players because I know they are all douche bags and I won't give them the satisfaction of drooling all over them. I just sit there reading my book. I don't even realize that the conditioning is over until I feel someone tapping my shoulder. 

I look up and see a boy named Carter. He was the Quarterback of the Football team. 

"Hey Elie can I ask you a favor?" He looked down.

I hate it when the Football boys ask me a favor. It's usually to get Aria Iparis to notice them. My last name is Ice so I'm usually always sitting next to Aria in our classes. I was about to get ready to listen to all his pleading to help him. It's usually "I really do believe I am Mr Right for Aria. We just click. However she isn't picking up on my flirting. Can you just push her in the right direction?"

I have no interest in helping them and usually I don't even tell Aria about them. If they want to get Aria's attention, let them do it themselves. 

"Listen I am in no mood to help set you up with Aria so can I go now?" I sighed.

"No I don't want to date Aria, her brother would pound me into the ground. Plus I already have a girlfriend."

Oh right, I forgot. Noah Carter, the Junior, was dating this girl named Shiloh Eastwood. She used to be the joke of the school until the football players took her under their wing. Then she was never bullied again after the football players beat up this one person who looked at her wrong. I don't really know what happened there but now they are dating.

"Then what is your favor?" I asked.

"I need you to tutor me. I'm trying to get into the Advanced Math with my girlfriend and they have an entry test I'm worried about. Do you think you can help me?" He looked so sincere. 

However even though he seemed sincere I was worried about those football guys. They can be pretty sketchy. I'm still not entirely convinced Carter is dating Shiloh and that it isn't a joke. Carter picked up on my hesitation.

"I'll pay you." he rushed.

"Noah Carter I have no need for your money." I got up and began to walk away.

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