Yummy in my tummy

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I sat her on the kitchen table then looked in the cupboards for some Nourishment.

I found a box of Mac & Cheese and looked back at her silently asking her if that was ok.

She smiled up at me nodding her head, I dug out a pot and boiled the water.

I'm in going to sit her and explain how I followed the directions on the side of the box, that would be boring as hell.

Anyways after our food was done I got out two bowls and filled them to the brim.

I went into the living room and sat our bowls on the TV trays. Then I went back to retrieve my girlfriend.

After sitting her on the couch I sat beside her and started chewing down, yes it's may come to you as a surprise but I can cook.

How do you think I survived all these years, yes I know I'm some what of a zombie more or less but whatever.

How did you know this is one of my many favorite foods? she questioned me.

I shrugged my shoulders, I really didn't know, I did however like it a lot and figured she would too.

I was enjoying my food when I heard her let out a loud belch, I slowly turned and saw her face go red.

Excuse me she said trying to hide her embarrassment I thought she was so adorable.

I think I'm related to Miss Piggy she giggled, I haven't heard her laugh until now, it was cute.

I didn't know what that was a reference too but I chuckled just the same, hmmm I need to get her to giggle again.

She stopped eating and looked wide eye at me, don't even think about it Mr!

Think about what I thought, don't you dare try to tickle me or you'll get hurt!

I dropped my spoon and looked over at her, I wasn't even thinking about that until now.

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