Chapter 24

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Niall's POV *after three days*

Since I had talked to Abbie on Skype, and found out that she still liked me after all, I couldn't get her out of my head. I mean, I couldn't get her out of my head before; but now it was even worse. It's as if a fire had ignited inside me- I couldn't give up on Abbie. Not anymore.

I saw her face in every girl I crossed, heard her voice everywhere I went. When I'd hug or kiss Miranda- since I was still forced to do so- I'd imagine it being Abbie instead. When I was alone with the boys- they knew everything that had happened - I'd constantly talk about her, wondering what she was doing and such.

I had it bad.

On an interview yesterday, I got caught by the interviewer being completely spaced out, thinking about her. Coincidentally, the lady had asked me if I was in love... Naturally, I answered yes, and the whole audience "awww'ed". Too bad they they were completely off as to who I was talking about.

I'd been texting her and talking to her as much as I possibly could- I went mad if I wasn't in some sort of contact with her. I don't know what went off inside me since our Skype call, but since then I missed her so much more, it was crazy.

The night following the interview, Miranda and I went out for a walk. She asked me- no, stated to me - that I was still in love with Abbie.

"How'd you know?" I asked, taken aback by the unexpected topic.

"Well it's pretty obvious, isn't it? You're always talking about her and texting her. You're distant almost all the time, especially since yesterday... On the interview this afternoon you were zoned out the whole time, with some cheesy smile on you face. I have no idea how the lady didn't realize you weren't listening. And just the way you answered her question... Well it pretty much confirmed my prediction" she paused briefly.

"Anybody could see that you were geunuinely in love when you answered her question... You were completely honest. And I know for a fact you're not in love with me, since lately you've been ignoring me a lot." she explained.

"But... that's not true" I argued half-heartedly. I didn't want to be having this conversation. She couldn't know I wasn't into her anymore... Because I had told her already that I was having feelings for her, back when I was trying to get over Abbie.

"Niall, I'm not stupid. I know you're not over her. Any fool can see that. I never believed you when you said you were over her. It was obvious you weren't." she laughed. "I just want you to know that I'm okay with it, as long as you keep your part of the deal"

"What do you mean?' I asked confusedly.

"You have to keep pretending we're in love. Or else we'll both lose our jobs"

I sighed. "Fucking management, controlling us like puppets"

"Tell me about it" she grumbled. "Sometimes I just wish my job didn't come with all the... fame, you know?" she explained. "Like, we could still walk around unnoticed, have our nomal lives back, not be judged for everything we do... I miss that"

I looked over at Miranda in shock. Never once had I heard her complain about the fame. She was always so sweet and nice to everybody, and genuinely seemed to adore her job and everything that came along with it. "I know exactly how you feel" I finally said.

She smiled sadly at me. "You're a sweet guy Niall. Abbie's a lucky girl" she added after a short pause.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out, not completely sure why I felt sorry- I just did. She shook her head.

"No, I'm the one who should be apologizing." she rectified. "In a way, it's my fault you can't be with the girl you truly love... It must be hard for you. You don't deserve it." she smiled sadly at me. "You've been nothing but good to me, despite the fact your heart belongs to another girl... You kept up the act, for both our careers, no matter how much it hurt you. I owe you one, Niall"

All Because of a Snow Storm (Niall Horan Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora