Chapter Sixteen

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This isn't what I wanted, but it is what I got? So enjoy? Let me know what you think


Cautiously stepping inside the venue, Erika took a quick glance around and sighed heavily. This show wasn't somewhere she really wanted to be, but like a good sport she agreed to go along with it. There would be so many people floating around, the chance of running into Zack was almost impossible. At the same time, it was still very possible which in a way wanted to make Erika run for the hills. Rian had offered several times to take her home, if she really wanted to go and each time Codi insisted she stayed.

Codi owed her big time!

Erika kept to herself, hanging out with Codi, every so often Jack would stop whatever he was doing to see if Erika needed anything. Pulling her aside about two hours before they took the stage, he informed her that he had asked Victoria to come along. Erika was happy to hear Jack had actually called the girl, she was even happier to hear he had took her on an actual date before deciding to bring her along for this evening's show. Pulling the best puppy dog face he could manage, Jack asked Erika if she could maybe hang out with Victoria until Jack was done and could take over for the remainder of the evening.

"Of course, no sweat." Erika smiled at him, patting his shoulder. "I knew she really liked you." She teased him.

"Yeah, but what's even cooler is I really like her too." Jack beamed like a little boy who had just been told he did a great job on a difficult test. "She's really nice and funny. She's super smart too! I think you'll like her."

"If you like her then I am sure I will too." Erika assured him, giving him a wide smile.

"You're awesome." Jack called pointing to Erika as he hurried off to make himself useful.

Wandering around on her own, checking things out, Erika squealed loudly when she was pulled into a hug from either side. Squirming to get away, she was greeted by Jordan and Tay, both grinning like the cats that had eaten the canary. They had run into some flight issues and were running a bit late, Erika had remembered Evan informing Flyzik of this.

"Oh my gosh!" Jordan squealed, hugging Erika again. "You look so good!"

"Okay Barbie, calm." Tay said laughing at her band mate. "He is worse than any girl!"

"Tell me about it!" Erika exclaimed laughing and hugging him back.

"Well you do, all glowly and happy and so cute." Jordan gushed, hugging her again and kissing her cheek.

"Have you seen Alex?" Tay asked shaking her head at Jordan as his feminine side peeked out.

"He was in the back room with Flyzik getting some things worked out." Erika answered. "I think he is still there."

As Erika had directed, Alex was in the back room discussing god only knows what with his tour manager when Tay found him. Since he was discussing business, she should have probably waited for him to finish, but she really had to get a few things off her chest before her band took the stage and Flyzik wouldn't mind a short break, surely.

Walking into the room, Tay greeted Flyzik with a smile and a wave. Alex turned to see who his friend was talking to, when Tay decided it was best to take him off guard.

"I told you to let her know how you felt; I didn't say stick your tongue down her throat!" Tay screeched at Alex, smacking him in the side of the head. "You moron!"

"I'm sorry. Okay, I fucked up." Alex whined, shielding himself from Tay's assault.

" I even want to know?" Flyzik asked eyeing a scared looking Alex and a furious looking Tay.

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