The Permanent fusion?!

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Kale and Caulifla woke up in a dimension of bright glowing red and green energy flowing everywhere. They looked around seeing the electricity sparking everywhere around them as they began to walk around.

Kale: is this?

Caulifla: our power. It's everywhere and endless!

Kale: but why are we here sis? We were fused and then we lost but we should have unfused there.

Caulifla: I don't know. This is weird, I don't know if we can leave. Maybe it has to do with that magic attack Riki hit us with.

Kale: she's so strong sis.

Caulifla: damn we were so close! If only we had some more power.

Keflas voice echos in the dimension we can get stronger together if we stay as Kefla. Together we're a unstoppable force with limitless potential that can surpass Riki, Jiren and even that Son Goku.

Kale: As long as I'm with sis I'll be happy to stay as Kefla.

Caulifla: heh well that just means the two of us are together side by side. I know you have my back Kale let's do it! We'll train as kefla and become so strong we'll wipe away even that damn Zeno!

Kale and Caulifla held hands and their energy and lightning surround them as the two become light and energy themselves. Caulifla became red fiery and wild energy while kale became a green energy that was even wilder and intense. The two energies pulled towards each other and began spinning/dancing around each other becoming similar to the black and white in Yin and Yang.

Kefla awoke in a jolt in her bed. She was covered in bandages and wrappings around her injuries.

Riki told Y/N to check up on kefla so he ran over to her room.

Kefla: I was so damn close!

Y/N who was eating a sandwich as he entered the doorway: whoa your awake! you're super strong!

Kefla then remembered the kiss and blushed immediately closing the distance leaping off bed and grabbing Y/N by his shirt collar and slamming him into the wall behind him.

Y/N face changed to a expression of fear and then he looked down and fear mixed with another feeling as he became a deep red.

Y/N then began to choke on his sandwich.

Kefla quickly punched him in the gut clearing his airways.

Y/N: Ow! Thank y— (kefla slammed him back into the wall holding him up)

Kefla: your that damn squirt who had the nerve to kiss me! You have some pretty big guts risking your life like that! Tell me was it worth it because this is where I pulverize you!

Y/N who's face just seemed to become redder managed a short quiet voice saying: I'm sorry, also miss kefla your naked.

Kefla then looked down and noticed that besides her bandages and wrappings she was fully nude. She blushed and then screamed.

She was about to punch Y/N into the farthest possible universe when suddenly
Riki appeared in the doorway.

Riki: What's going on! Everyone ok?!

Riki then saw the naked Kefla holding her son up.


Riki blushed saying: sorry for interrupting.

The two blushing teens turned to Riki

Riki began to close the door but kefla stopped her from closing it while throwing Y/N across the hall with one arm.

Riki managed to catch her son while kefla slammed the door closed and hid under her bed sheet covers shouting: ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!

Riki smiling: you really are your fathers son huh?

Y/N blushing: Mom this is a big misunderstanding.

Riki: Kefla sweetie a change of clothes is on the table next to you. Sorry if I hit you two hard in that fight.


Riki smiled: That's the spirit.

Kefla put her hands on both sides of her face feeling the blush on her face. She was embarrassed nobody had seen her naked before. Maybe this was the Kale side of her but she felt very shy while the anger of Caulifla wanted to beat up the little pervert.

Kefla emerged from the room in her usual clothes not making eye contact with Y/N.

Y/N felt awkward and was nervous expecting to be kicked through a mountain by Kefla.

Riki: So you two got to know each other pretty well.

Both teens blushed.

Kefla: Anyway why are you here Riki?!

Riki: Well you see I wanted to ask Caulifla this but after seeing the two of you I also considered Kale but now I got a better Idea. Oh are you guys stuck like that now?

Kefla: Yeah we're going to stay like this. What's your idea anyway, what did you wanna ask me?

Riki: Wanna marry my son?

Y/N and Kefla both surprised and blushing: WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

Riki: So is that a yes?

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