Cursed Devils The End

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Destruction. Planet Sadal was covered in flames as it rained and thundered. There were hundreds of corpses around the destroyed buildings.

Kefla roars as lightning strikes only to be caught and grabbed by the throat.

"You devils have fed me well today, all that power, all that life now in me. That boy with you had the most excellent power a shame I finished him off so quickly I should have drained him slowly and  savored it over time."

Kefla grabbed at this monsters hand around her throat with tears in her eyes. Her green and gold light was fading. They're taking her strength.

Kefla feels herself lose her transformation. She bites down on her attackers hand.

"I see. Your the combination of two devils, that's why your still alive. How about this, I'll let you live. You get strong again with the rest of the devils here and come feed me again."

They then punch Kefla in the stomach ripping their fist through her and throws her onto the ground with that hole in her stomach.

Kefla screamed in pain

"Remember this mercy, you'll only survive because I allowed it."

They then put their fingers to their head and disappeared.

Kefla rolled onto her side screaming and crying as she looked to the right where there was a crater.

She gritted her teeth and crawled forward in the rain her blood leaking out behind her. As she got to the crater she saw his body.

Y/N's body lay there his eyes open and his chest full of holes. His heart had been ripped out and thrown to the side of him.

Kefla crawled onto his corpse and held him sobbing.

Her hair briefly glowed gold and green but only for a brief moment as she broke down holding him.

"You idiot."

Far above the planet stood this figure.

"You know what I change my mind. I've had my fun best not to let it linger on past that."

They extended their hand out and a beam of purple light ripped through the planet destroying planet Sadala and all it's people.

Y/N stood there in the void. He felt tears falling down his face.


There was a light, there was pain and then there was a dragon.

Y/N saw a silver dragon standing before him.

"The power that protected us is gone. Your soul is fading, our soul is fading. I must act quickly, make a wish."

Y/N walked forward with tears in his eyes.

"What I don't understand?! What is going on?!"

The dragon flickered in and out.

"Our father, our people are made using powerful objects called dragon balls. They are powerful objects and they may grant you any wish. Make your wish."

Y/N stepped forward and made his wish.

The dragon laughed and began to glow with blue light.

"You will not remember anything but you will remember this. This moment. I hope we meet again and that when we do we can live to have the adventure I seek."

The dragons eyes glowed and a bright surge of lights of all colors washed over Y/N he could feel his memories fading away. His memories of his mom, his memories of his dad, his memories of his life, his memories of Kefla.

"I'll find you again. I promise I'll find you again."

In a flash of light the universe changes the destruction of planet Sadala never happens. The eventual destruction of universe 6 never happens. A time ring is created.

The angel Vados looks into her staff with a smirk.

"How interesting."

As the light washes over the universe the Sayian Riki awakens floating in space with one arm.

She see's a figure in the light.

"I see Y/N's made his wish. I didn't think it'd be so soon."

She reaches for the figure of light and grabs it's arm. There are tears in her eyes.

"I love you hon and I swear I'll protect our son this time. I swear I'll find you again. Next time we meet both our son and I will be stronger. We'll save you."

Riki pulls in the figure of light and kisses him as they both vanish the reseting of the universe.

One day not too long ago on the planet Sadala a festival was being held in honor of the seventh princes birth.

During the festival a young girl runs away having stolen food from the stalls.

These two are bound in destiny, their fate is bound in battle, power, despair, pain, hardship, misery, death and adventure.

The dragons, the devils and the warriors will fight and the universe will quake.

The end of part 1

Authors note: Well who expected this. 👀 I guess writing isn't done with me at least for now.

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