The start of a adventure

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Kale, caulifla and cabba were all sparring as super sayian 2s in a three way battle. Kale fired off multiple energy blasts from her hands which caulifla and Cabba dodged as they fought.

Cabba blasts caulifla with his version of the Galick gun he learned from vegeta sending caulifla flying backwards until kale blasts the both of them back and charges grabbing the both of them and slamming them into the ground. Cabba and caulifla quickly flipped themselves up and charges kale. The three clashed and then all of them got into a beam clash.

Kale pushed herself and her beam exploded hitting both caulifla and Cabba at the same time. Caulifla and Cabba both trapped in kales enormous attack then screamed as both of their ki's started to rise tremendously and they began to glow brighter as they're hair grew. Longer and longer.

They both became super sayian 3's and pushed back kales energy blast with their own overpowering her. Kale giving it everything she had tried holding back the combined energy attack but she quickly loses ground as the ground beneath her starts to shatter and disintegrate.

Kale screams and the electricity around her explodes frantically. Caulifla: come on kale you can do this! Kale: sis! Kale then exploded in energy as her force negated the energy blast and threw Caulifla and Cabba back. Kale then stood there her longer hair flowing with its golden glowing green color and electricity flying everywhere.

Cabba: kale you did it!

Caulifla: good job kale your a super sayian 3 now!

Kale: thank you sis. Kale then transformed back into base and fell but was caught in caulifla's arms.

Caulifla: yeah this form drains way to much energy so it's hard to maintain. Now that we all have it let's master it and move on to that super sayian god and then blue!

Kale smiling: yes sis.

Cabba: let's take a break for now so we can all regain our energy.

Meanwhile two pods came crashing from space into the sadala capital building. The two pods slowly opened as Y/N and his mother Riki stepped out.

Y/N: mom I think your coordinates were very off.

Riki: it's fine I'm sure nobody got hurt.

Then Y/N heard a groan of pain and he looked under his pod to see a sayian his pod had landed on.

Riki: chuckled and lifted the pod off the sayian. Riki: are you ok sir? I think he's unconscious.

Y/N nervous: mom we're going to be in trouble.

Riki: it's fine I'm sure he's fine he's a sayian. Suddenly two sayians barged in through the doors screaming in panic and anger saying: the king is down! You two stand down NOW! Y/N quickly raised his hands in surrender and Riki didn't react instead walking over to the two sayians and saying: you two can stand down it was just a accident.

The two sayians raised their blasters saying: we said stand down! Your trespassing!

Riki: did you listen to me at all.

Riki then dodged both the shots from the blasters and kicked one of them into the ground and grabbed another one and cemented him into the wall with a punch.

Y/N: poor guys. Mom you didn't have to go that far.

Riki: it was self defense it's fine this is how sayians greet each other.

Y/N: I hope not. Is there any way we can sneak out of here?

Riki: That's so unnecessary son, come on let's go already.

Y/N then casually walked behind his mother who knocked out every sayian they came across in the palace before they could respond.

The two casually walked out of the palace doors and Y/N asked: So mom where are we going?

Riki: Well the only family I had is in the wastelands not to far from here so hopefully we can stay with them.

Y/N: But why are we here mom?

Riki: that's a surprise.

Riki grabbed Y/N and flew off towards Kale and Cauliflas energy.

Riki: Woah, she gotten so much stronger! That's so awesome, and there are two others with strong power levels like her this is going to be fun!

Y/N thoughts: I wish I could fly. I wonder who these people are? Maybe they can train me.

Caulifla suddenly sensed a familiar energy and quickly got excited while Kale and Cabba were curious.

Caulifla smiling: She's back! It's been 16 years and she's back stronger then ever. Guys we are going to have a visitor, she's family and incredibly strong. Today's the day I'll beat her!

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