What Being a Girlfriend Really Means

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A few days after they started their relationship and Vanilla and Alex were much closer than they ever had been before...

"Do you really have to go?" Alex asked with a frown as the bell rang indicating the start of lunch.

"Yeah I do..." Vanilla replied, leaning in and kissing him on the lips softly.

"I'll see you later then~" Alex added with a smile, his face heating up after Vanilla's surprise kiss.

"Bye~" Vanilla said with a smile as she walked away from Alex and down a corridor to their right.

---Timeskip: Pekoe POV---

"I don't know what I'm going to do..." Pekoe muttered to herself as she walked towards the cafeteria...

"A-Alex!?" She quickly announced as she saw him walking towards her from the other end of the corridor.

(Pekoe in head): "What should I do?!"

"Hey Pekoe~" Alex greeted cheerily, his heart still racing from the kiss.

"H-H-Hey A-Alex~" Pekoe stuttered in reply, avoiding eye contact as she struggled to speak.

"Are you alright Pekoe?" Alex asked with a worried expression, seeing her changed demeanor.

"I-I'm fine! S-So how a-are you?~"

"I'm fine thanks~"

"A-And what about V-Vanilla?..." Pekoe asked, not really caring but instead asking out of courtesy to Alex.

"She's great, she just has a class now so I'm not sure what I'm going to do during lunch time"

"She has a class at lunch time?..."

"Yeah, I'm not sure what it is but it must be important"

"R-Right..." Pekoe replied with a curious expression, confused as to what Vanilla could be doing.

"Anyway, I should go get my lunch, see you Pekoe~"

"B-Bye Alex~ I-It w-was n-nice talking to you~" Pekoe responded as her face began to turn red.

After Alex had walked away, Pekoe began to walk down the corridor to her right, her hands shaking from her embarrassment.

(Pekoe in head): "'It was nice talking to you?!' That was such a lame thing to say..."


After a short time walking down the corridor, Pekoe was approaching a small park that was within the school. As she approached she could hear voices nearby, some of which sounded awfully familiar...

"I know right~ He's such an idiot, he actually thinks I care about him~"

Pekoe gasped upon hearing Vanilla's words, and angered expression forming on her face.

"Besides, you know I like you much better anyway~" Vanilla added, looking up at the guy which she was currently hugging tightly.

Pekoe peaked around the corner which led to the park and saw Vanilla hugging some guy, as a small group of other guys and girls stood around chatting. Pekoe didn't know any of them, but knew that they were the type to hang around with Vanilla because she was so popular.

"I wonder what he's doing now?..." Vanilla mused with a smirk "Probably working on his prized tank~" she joked.

"He takes that stuff way to seriously~" The guy Vanilla was hugging added.

"I know right~ He's so dumb~"

"Enough!" Pekoe yelled with utter rage as she stomped towards Vanilla.


"Take back what you said!"

"Well look who it is~"

"I mean it! Take back what you said!" Pekoe continued to yell as she got right up into Vanilla's face.

"And why would I do that?..."

"Because if you don't I'm going to tell him what you're saying about him behind his back, and that you're cheating on him!"

"Ah... Well you can go right ahead~ I'll just tell your secret as well~"

"I don't care about that!" Pekoe yelled in response, causing Vanilla's smirk to disappear.

"I won't just sit by and watch you bully my bo-... my best friend anymore!"

Vanilla then began to chuckle loudly as she walked back towards Pekoe, using her superior height to leer over her.

"Listen here you little brat, there's no way he'll believe you over me! I'm his lovely girlfriend after all~" Vanilla said with a smirk, causing all the people around her to laugh.

Pekoe opened her mouth to retort, but stopped herself once she realised that Vanilla was right, there was no way Alex would believe her, was there?...

"I-I... I still have to try!" Pekoe yelled, although more to herself then to those around her.

"Whatever you say~ Now get lost!" Vanilla replied as she began to hug the guy again.

An even angrier expression covered Pekoe's face as she stood motionless, not knowing what to say or do.

"Well I guess you need to be persuaded~" Vanilla said with a smirk, gesturing for the people around her to close in on Pekoe.

She gasped in shock and began to step backwards slowly, not noticing the surprised expression that had formed on Vanilla's face...

"A-A-A..." Vanilla tried to speak, as Pekoe felt herself walk into someone.

"A-Ah! I-I'm s-sorry I-" Pekoe started, stopping herself as she turned around and saw who it was.

"Alex?!" Her and Vanilla managed to speak at the same time.

He didn't reply, instead he just looked down at Pekoe with a smile, causing her to notice the tears that were still streaming down his face.

"W-We're t-through Vanilla..." Alex said shakily as he continued to cry.

"A-Alex I..." Vanilla started, not knowing what to say.

"Don't..." Alex cut her off, "Don't even try..."

Alex then began to trudge his way out of the park, quickly followed by Pekoe who put a hand on his back to comfort him.

"T-Thank you P-P-Pekoe~" He stuttered out, wiping his face as they began to walk back down the corridor.

"It's fine~ Don't worry about it~"

"Y-You a-always take g-good care of me~"

Pekoe blushed at his words, and felt her heart rate begin to increase dramatically...

"W-Well y-you're m-my b-best f-friend and... w-well I..."

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