A Day to Remember

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Authors Note: The above image comes from the 'Girls Und Panzer' Wiki.

"Where is she I wonder?..." Alex pondered to himself as he waited near the end of the large gangway that led off the ship.

"Sorry I'm late!" He heard a familiar voice yell as he turned to see the approaching Orange Pekoe.

(Alex in head) "Wow, she looks cute as hell..."

"Is something wrong?" Pekoe asked in a worried tone as Alex stood motionless, simply staring at her.

"N-No nothings wrong! It's just that..."

"W-What is it?"

"You look really cute in that outfit..."

Pekoe gasped at his words and felt her face turn bright red, "T-T-Thank you~"

Alex let out a small chuckle upon seeing her reaction and felt some of his nerves about spending the day with her dissipate. After all, it was just going to be a normal day out...


After a short walk, the pair arrived at the amusement park. After they'd bought tickets they headed through the large main gate.

"Wow~" Pekoe said with glee. spinning around on the spot with her hands in the air.

(Alex in head) "She's too cute today~"

After spinning a few times Pekoe came to a stop when she saw Alex looking at her with a wide smile. She quickly turned her head away as her face heated up in embarrassment.

"L-Let's go on the Ferris Wheel!" She yelled as she ran towards it.

"Wait for me then!"

After catching up to her, Alex and Pekoe got into one of the arriving gondolas.

Once they were seated, Alex sat back and rested his arms onto the seat back either side of him as he looked over at Pekoe with a smile.

(Orange Pekoe in head) "You'll be fine. You'll be fine..."

Pekoe gave him a shaky smile but let out a gasp as the gondola lurched forward and began to climb.

"I'm sure the view's going to be great when we get to the top~" Alex said cheerfully as he started to look around him.

After a short time the gondola had almost reached the top of the wheel and was beginning to sway in the wind.

Pekoe let out a small gasp each time it swayed from one side to the other, her hands shaking in her lap in front of her.

"Are you okay Pekoe?" Alex asked with a worried expression as he noticed how she was acting.

"I-I'm f-fine!"

(Orange Pekoe in head) "I have to show him I'm not scared..."

"Alright then..." He replied in an unconvinced tone.

A large gust of wind then pushed the Gondola violently and Pekoe half shifted out of her seat.

"Whoa!" Alex half yelled as he grabbed on to the gondola stop himself from moving.

Pekoe then quickly moved from her seat and across into the one Alex was on, sliding herself very close to him...

Alex didn't say anything but felt his face begin to heat up as he looked over at Pekoe's fearful expression.

"Are you sure you're-" He started stopping as he felt another large gust of wind push the Gondola from one side to the other. Pekoe quickly slid to her left and wrapped her arms around Alex's torso, burying her face in his side.

"P-Pekoe?!" He asked tentatively, hearing her start to sniffle and grip him tighter.

He instinctively put his right arm around her and pulled her in closer.

"It's alright~" He whispered with a smile, his face still bright red.

Pekoe once again gasped at his words and stuttered back, "P-Please d-don't let go..."

"I won't, I promise~"

Pekoe then let out a whimper as she began to sob softly.

(Orange Pekoe in head) "Why did I have to act like this around him... He's going to hate me..."

Seeing that she was crying, Alex reassured her again "Pekoe it's okay, I won't let go until we get off~"

"T-Thank you..."

After what seemed like an eternity to her, the Gondola arrived back at the bottom and Pekoe slowly pulled herself back wiping her eyes in the process.

Alex then slowly stood up, his arm still wrapped around Pekoe as they got off.

(Orange Pekoe in head) "Why is my heart fluttering so much..."

After they'd walked a short distance from the Ferris Wheel, Pekoe looked over at Alex with a bright red face and asked "U-Uh... Y-You know y-you've still got you arm a-around me?..."

"A-Ah... I-I'm sorry!" Alex muttered as he quickly pulled his arm back and looked away in embarrassment.

(Alex in head) "Why didn't I let her go earlier?! Why am I acting like this?"

(Orange Pekoe in head) "I didn't mean I wanted you to let go..."


After the awkward incident, the pair had gone to an eatery within the park and were now eating lunch.

(Orange Pekoe in head) "I need to say something about what happened earlier..."

(Alex in head) "I know she's cute and all, but why am I getting this strange feeling every time another guy looks at her?..."

"H-Hey..." Pekoe started, looking down at the ground.

"What is it?~"

"I w-want to say I'm s-sorry for earlier..."

"What are you sorry for?"

"W-Well I-I..." Pekoe stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights to be honest~"

"Y-Yeah w-well... I thought if I could go on a ride like that I could try and get over my fear..."

"Well at least it's a start~"

"Y-Yeah but... I was pretty scared and t-there w-was only one thing that made me f-feel safe..." Pekoe said with a red face as she looked up into Alex's eyes.

"W-What was that?" He asked shakily in reply, feeling his heart begin to beat much faster.

"It was y-" Pekoe started, being cut off by a familiar voice.

"Heeey Alex~"

"Hm? Oh hey Vanilla~" Alex replied, smiling when he saw a familiar blonde standing next to him.

Pekoe let out a sigh and slumped her shoulders.

(Orange Pekoe in head) "Why did she have to arrive now of all times?!"

"So what are you guys up to? On a date?~" Vanilla replied with a smirk.

"N-No! Not at all!" Pekoe blurted out, instantly regretting her words.

"Y-Yeah..." Alex added, slight disappointment in his voice.

"Well then, would you care to show me around Alex? If you're not doing anything of course~" Vanilla mused with a wide smile, interlocking her arm with his and lifting him to his feet.

"Actually we're-" Pekoe started, rising to her feet, stopping as Alex's words cut her off.

"Sure I can~" he answered with a smile as he set off with Vanilla.

"B-But I t-thought..." Pekoe muttered to herself as she slumped back into her chair.

A new feeling permeating her as she watched Vanilla hold him close and make him smile happily...

Because You're You (Orange Pekoe, Girls und Panzer)Where stories live. Discover now