Animal Control

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I had no idea which night was worse: the one where Peter terrorized us at the school or the one where he was simply dragging Derek and me with him to the boys' locker room. What was this weird affiliation of his that involved our school? Everything was messed up. Stiles missed his first game, the Alpha turned out to be Derek's last remaining family, and now Peter was after Scott to form his pack.

But let's not overlook the fact that I was being used as leverage to get Derek to help him. Peter literally threatened to hurt me if Derek didn't join his plan to get rid of those responsible for their family's death.

We paused outside the locker room and Peter draped an arm around my shoulder. He grinned down at me to which I flipped him off, then he fixed his eyes on Derek, "Well, what are you waiting for? Lead the way and make my entrance... dramatic. Riley and I will be right behind you."

Derek clenched his jaw, his eyes darting to me. I inhaled slowly, hoping that someone I'm radiating some calming energy towards him. I still had no idea how to use our bond to both of our advantage, but it seemed to work since he didn't try punching Peter on the nose. Derek stomped off ahead of us, reluctantly leaving me with his psycho uncle.

"So," Peter looked down at me with a shit-eating grin, "you and my nephew, huh?"

"Shut up."

"Oh, you're perfect for him."

Derek did exactly as he was told, waiting for everyone except Scott to leave, cutting the lights of the locker room and drawing Scott towards a dark corner. Peter saw his cue and forced me to walk out with him, arm still over my shoulder. Scott was staring at Derek in question when he sensed our presence behind him.

"I really don't get lacrosse." Peter started as we emerged out of the shadows.

Scott spun around, pausing when seeing me in a psycho's grip, "Riley?" His eyes widening in instant realization when looking at Peter, "It was you..."

Peter seemed truly satisfied with himself for yet another dramatic entrance, "When I was in high school, we played basketball. There's a real sport. Still, I read somewhere that Lacrosse comes from native Americans tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict. I have that right?" His eyes darted from Scott to me and back to Scott, "I have a little conflict of my own to resolve, Scott. But I need your help to do it."

Scott clenched his jaw, "I'm not helping you kill people. Let Riley go."

"Well, I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones." Peter clarified, "And that doesn't have to include..."

He looked down at me, his grip around me tightening ever so slightly. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Allison."

"Good girl." Peter patted my cheek and I almost wanted to bite his disgusting fingers clean off, "And you don't have to worry about Riley. We're getting along just fine - ask Derek."

Scott's eyes fixed on Derek, "You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?!"

"That was a mistake." Derek replied in a monotone, "It happens."

"And Riley?!" Scott nearly yelled, "Are you just going to let him kill her too?"

"Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We really just want to help you reach your full potential. And Riley..." Peter interrupted any outburst the young werewolf might have, "I'm just showing her what being a werewolf's all about. You ought to know, Scott, it great being more advanced than normal humans."

"Killing the people that are close to you doesn't exactly count as a great experience." Scott snarled.

"Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most." Peter looked from me to Derek. I caught Derek shifting his eyes to me. I hated the fact that Peter was using me to turn Derek into his puppet. I hated the fact that I couldn't do anything to help him - I was only human.

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