omg, I'm running out of chapters. I should finish this story.

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Because everything in my life is tediously long and boring, I’m going to sum up the next week or so.

So Hermione and I are lying outside on Ron’s birthday when Harry tells us that Ron has been poisoned with a love potion, saved, poisoned with a poison and saved but is like half dead. Then we went and visited him, and he was alright. There was this totally awesome bit where Hermione spoke and Ron mumbled in his sleep. They’re so in love, they just don’t know it. It’s skinny love. They should sing that song and shit. Anyway, so Hagrid accidentally informed us that Snape and Dumbledore had a fight and that Snape is investigating someone in Slytherin. Harry decided it was Draco, because they have a gay romantic affair. And I ask you, in this world of intolerance and prejudice, who are- WHO are WE to condemn them? 

That night, I wandered up to the seventh floor where I found the room of requirement, and it was that bathroom I’d tried to kill myself in. I was really deep, and then I had a deep conversation with Snape about how I was terrified of the future. It was weird, because apparently so is he. I told him I was scared that I was going to die, and then we discussed stuff and ate chocolate on the bathroom floor.

Later that night, I visited August, where he offloaded all of his worries and sorrows and doubts about himself and Lauren.  I wasn’t sure what happened after that, but I woke up in my sleep. I decided that I could sleep apparate, because sleep walking was too mainstream. Then I realised that I was hipster Willow. I needed to borrow Harry’s glasses.

Now, back to the present.

“What?” I asked loudly. It took me a moment to realise I was in Dumbledore’s office. “Seriously, what?”

“I’m sorry.” Whispered Lucy’s voice to me.

“For what?” I answered aloud. “Lucy, come back! What’s going on?”

“She’s gone.” Said the voice of Albus Dumbledore from behind me. I turned as he spoke and watched him putting a weird silvery gas string thing into a flask.

“What do you mean ‘Gone’?” I asked him.

“She won’t be coming back for a very long time.” Dumbledore replied.

“Why not?”

“You’ll find out in due time.”

I rolled my eyes immaturely at him when I realised my face felt funny. I put my hand up to it.

“What?” I said instantly. “Are these tears?”

Dumbledore nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“I don’t remember crying.” I informed him. “I don’t even remember getting here.”

“I know.” He said, and he looked at me sadly. Had he been crying too?

“This has happed before, hasn’t it? I like woke up or something in here, and you said I’d been missing for two days.”

“You won’t be able to recall the last three days.” Professor Snape said.

“Ahh!” I stifled a scream and turned around. “When did you get there?”

“The same time you did.”

“You two are being awfully cryptic.” I exclaimed.

“Willow,” Dumbledore said to me. “Next year, when the moment is right –you’ll know the moment – you need to come into this office.”

“What?” I said for the millionth time.

“The password will be Dumbledore. You’ll have to come into this office and get this flask out of this drawer.” Dumbledore indicated the drawer and placed the flask into it. “You need to empty it into this pensive.” He indicated a weird looking silver basin. “And look into it.”

The Other Potter: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now