"What's mine."

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Once we got back to Auradon, with Ben's blessing I had Harry enrolled in school. Fairy godmother said that it would take her until tomorrow to find him an open dorm since tonight was to cotillion so (without Ben's blessing) we decided he could stay in my room tonight since I didn't have a roommate.

Thanks to Harry, I then had to explain to Jay how I was his half sister. He was confused at first but he accepted it by the time I was done explaining. He already treated me like a little sister so now it was just official.

Harry and I were talking in my room when Evie came in with a bag.

"Is that?" I started.

"Your dress to Cotillion? Yes ma'am."

I jumped up and grabbed the bag from her and opened it a little bit, "Oh, Evie, it's so beautiful."

"I know," Evie gloated.

"I wanna see," Harry whined.

"You'll see it later tonight," I told him, zipping the bag back up.

"Don't worry, Hook. I didn't forget about you," Evie told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Evie pulled out from her rack a suit for Harry.

He look surprised, "You mean I'm going to this thing?"

"You know you want to," I teased him.

"Yea, okay, that's fair." He said as he took the suit from Evie.

"Okay, I'd love to stay and chat but I have lots more dresses to deliver. And a cape. Anyways I'll see you guys later."

"Bye, Evie." She left and I closed the door behind her. 

Once she left, Harry sat down on my bed and pulled me down next to him. "We just got here can't we just lie in bed all day? Your bed is so much comfier than mine," Harry whined.

"No way. They've been putting together the cotillion for months. And Evie spent so much time making my dress. Not to mention your suit."

"Well I've never been to one of these things before, or any royal party for that matter. And I'm not sure if a big fancy party is the best idea for my first night here."

"Don't worry, no one is going to expect you to act perfectly tonight. As long as you show up I think that's as much as anyone expects out of you."

"Well what about the dancing? And the entrances? And the bowing?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't worry about any of that. It's your first day here, you're not going to do every single thing right, and you don't have to. If I wanted a 'perfect guy' I could've stayed in Auradon and never go to the isle or meet you. I could've just stayed here and dated someone like, I don't know, Chad."

Harry sighed, "Thank you, so much... for comparing me as the opposite of Chad."

We both laughed. "I think Chad needs to change his last name because he is the opposite of Charming," I said.

"Well at least he spends most of his time focused on himself and making himself so great that he doesn't harass people as much as he could."

"That is very true."

We both sat on my bed talking for the next couple hours. Before we knew it, it was time to get ready for Cotillion.

Harry left the room to get himself ready with Carlos and Jay so that they could help him look his best while Evie came to my room so we could help each other get ready. Evie did my hair while I did my makeup and the I put on the dress she made for me.

Hooked Me -- Harry Hook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now