"Who's this then?"

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[So a little disclaimer at the beginning, I didn't want to follow the movie script word for word and I try as much as I can not to but its not really easy writing about a movie without writing the movie 😂]

-- Mikayla's POV --

I knew that today Mal and Ben were supposed to have lunch together. I'm told about everything they do because I'm nosey and Mal's best friend (other than Evie) and basically Ben's little sister. But when I was walking back to my dorm and saw Mal running back about to be in tears I knew something bad happened. I followed her back to her dorm and when I got to her door I could hear her crying. 

Before knocking on her door I listened in for a second and heard her cry "I don't belong here."

I knocked on the door and called her name, "Mal?" I called.

"Oh," she sniffed, "Come in."

I opened the door and noticed her with a bag on her bed and her lizard mom in a box. "What happened?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just cleaning stuff out, you know?" I could tell she was doing her best to hide her tears.

"Why is your mom in a box?"

"I'm cleaning out her little terrarium."

"What happened to you and Ben? I thought you two were supposed to be having lunch?"

"Oh, it's nothing he just had to go do some kingly stuff so we postponed it. Anyways I should get back to doing this so I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yea, Okay."

I backed out of her room and started walking back down the hall. There was no way that everything was okay with her. She said herself that she didn't belong here and she had bags out and was packing. Was she thinking about going back to the isle?

I knew that something was up. And if she wanted to back to the isle I wasn't going to let her. Or at least not alone. I had to try and convince her otherwise.

I grabbed my emerald green bike that matched her purple one and raced to the border so that I would get there before her. Once I got to the edge, I parked my bike and leaned on the side to wait for her. It didn't take long for her to come zooming around the corner.

"Kayla?" she asked in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I knew that something was up with you and I saw you packing so I put the pieces together. And I'm not letting you go back to the isle."

"You're not going to stop me from going, I'm going back."

"Not alone you're not."

"You want me to take you?"

"Either that or I'm not letting you go at all."

"You're not going to the isle wearing that, you would stick out too much."

"I saw you use your magic to change everyone's hair. Just do the same for my outfit."

"I guess I could try," she sighed and pulled out her spellbook. "Beware, foreclose, replace the old with VK clothes."

She flipped her hand around and my outfit changed before my eyes.

She flipped her hand around and my outfit changed before my eyes

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