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I sighed hearing tenshi and shinako arguing about something again and stood up stretching. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower really quick knowing the guys are perverts (-_-💧 ). I went down stairs and saw shinako cooking while still arguing with tenshi while tenshi looked like she was making white fudge brownies with m&ms which made me start to drool. I heard shinako start to laugh and looked at her to see her ears pointed towards me. If your wondering why she has her ears pointing towards me and she's cooking, we are sorta like nekos but we can turn into our animals when ever we want to... Think of Yuki from fruits basket but being able to turn into a mouse and back when ever he wants to. I sat at the table playing with my tails in boredom waiting for food.

-time skip to after they eat- 

We are all watching Naruto when I saw tenshi get out the white fudge with m&ms and I quickly grabbed three pieces eating them before suddenly feeling tired. Everyone else ate a piece and I could tell that they were the same way. I laid my head on the table with everyone else and fell asleep. What felt like a few seconds I woke up standing up on all fours, wait... FOURS?!?! I ran to a nearby puddle and looked at my self only to see a snow white wolf with icey blue eyes. I looked around and saw a blue-green snake not far away coiled up. I walked over to it and nudged it slightly with my paw. It raised its head and hissed at me.

"Who the hell are you and where the hell am I at?!?!" The snake hissed loudly. I stumbled back landing on my butt. I'm pretty sure my jaw was on the ground.

"R-Rai?!?!?" I yelled the snake stared back at me with its jaw on the ground.

"K-Kibo?!?!" Rai yelled and we heard a few groans from nearby. I looked around and saw a blue fox with red tail tip, paws, muzzle, and ear tips; a dragon that was forest green and brown; a sky blue pegacorn/horse; and a raven black haired girl. I walked up to them all waking them up and noticed the raven black haired girl had blue eyes with what looked like ripples in them. Once I had woken them all up they all screamed/yelled. Then stopped and stared at each other.

"Kibo? Rai? Ryu? Shinako? Kuru?" The raven haired girl asked.

"Tenshi?!" We all yelled at the same time. Before we started laughing. Once I called down I looked around and smiled wolfishly.

"Do you guys know where we are at?" I asked them and they shook their heads. I picked up rai(the snake) and padded through the woods we are in with everyone following me. We reached a large gate and I heard a thud I turned my head and laughed loudly, tenshi was so surprised she fainted. Ryu put her on my back since my tails could hold her on and we padded/walked up to the gate. I looked at the two gatekeepers who we're sleeping and walked over to them putting my front paws on the desk I barked loudly in their ears making them wake up. I laughed with the others and the two of them just stared. I blinked at them and cleared my throught getting their attention.

"May we speak with the hokage please?" I asked politely as a wolf and the one on the right passed out. "Is it really that strange for a wolf to be talking?" I asked with a sweat drop. The others laughed at my expense and Rai spoke from my head.

"Not if it's a summoning which they found out we are not. Which is why he passed out" Rai said which made the other guy nearly piss himself. I sighed and wave my free tail telling the others to turn human. I turned human as we'll keeping my ears and tails, as with shinako, and kuru. I grinned sheepishly at him as my tails still held tenshi on my back.

"Uhhhhh.... Can we see the hokage now?" I asked and he nodded mutely still staring. A guy with silver gravity defying hair was walking past and saw us.

"I'll take them to the hokage" he said before leading us away.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Pic is kibo : DD

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