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chapter ten The Winter Soldier

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chapter ten
The Winter Soldier

Back on the ranch, Ray left Bucky to himself and disappeared into the house with the fabric. Bucky felt worried and guilty, he didn't want to upset her. She had done so much for him in the past two days. He hated the idea of her being upset with him.

Though he was shy, and very timid at this stage of his life. He was always confused, and she confused him more than anything. But he did have some sense, and he knew to leave her alone.

So he brought his gifts from her into his bedroom and out the few articles of clothing inside the empty dresser. He left the dress he bought her wrapped up, and put it in the button drawer.

Then he put on one of the flannels he got and went outside to find Cory. Surely they needed help.

Inside the house, Ray sat on her bed. She didn't mean to snap at Bucky, or to treat him the way she had. He didn't even do anything. He only tried to help. Though she had a lot to think about. And her thoughts scared her.

But in truth she was embarrassed over what happened in front of him. She didn't want him to know how much she was bullied her last year of high school. How many times Daniel grabbed her ass in class and then would pretend she grabbed his. She didn't want him to know anything like that.

She felt guilty over it. So she did the only thing she knew. She started cutting and layering the fabric to make him something as an apology.

It's what Cory did. It's what Bailey did. It's what the Smiths did. Besides, she was going to do this for him anyway.

It wasn't until much later that she had finished. Her family and guests had already retired for the night, and the sun had long since set. But she finally finished making the undergarments for her friend. They weren't perfect, but they were better than what he had now. Besides, the nearest Walmart was over three hours away and in a bigger city.

She was able to make eight pairs of little shorts. So she folded them neatly and left her bedroom.

The house was quiet, the only noise was the radio playing from Bailey's room; to cover whatever noise she was making with Jack. And then there was the moth zapper on the porch. Every other second a zap went out. It was loud and annoying.

Ray paid no mind to in, and walked into the cool night. The heat of the day had passed and she was actually chilly in the pajama pants and shirt she was wearing.

Inside the barn, where the heating was warm, she knocked in the brown door that belonged to his room. The same one she knocked on much earlier this morning. She couldn't believe it was the same day.

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