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chapter eight The Morning After

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chapter eight
The Morning After

When Ray returned to her bedroom, Bucky was sitting comfortably on her bed. She took a moment to look at him, to really look at him.

She saw how broken he was; how he reminded her of herself. He acted like she did, on a level, after she woke up from her accident. She didn't trust anything and was unsure of everything, just like him. She wanted to help him.

She vowed to help him feel normal again. To show him that there was life after losing his memories. She found hers, and even if she hated it from time to time, he needed to find his as well.

"I have a deal for you." Ray shut the door. Bucky opened his eyes and looked at her. "I'm going to help you feel normal again. I remember how weird it was after my accident, so I'm going to help you. Also you're clothes are in the drier."

Bucky couldn't tell her that he would never be normal again. Not after all the times that HYDRA wiped his mind. Memories he tried to ignore and memories that came out of nowhere, he didn't think he could make anything of it.

But feeling normal. That sounded nice.

"How will you do that?"

"Well I don't know yet. But first thing is first. You need to get clothes. And you need to stop worrying about your arm. No one will make fun of you for it."

"It's not that."

"Well it's almost July and it gets hot. Like really hot. You'll pass out if you keep wearing those heavy clothes of yours."

Bucky knew she was right. It was getting harder and harder to work outside under the sun. But he was scared to.

"I tell you what. We'll get you some nice clothes tomorrow from Maple Woods thrift store and then I will wear shorts, instead of my beloved leggings, and you wear a short sleeve. Then we'll both be even. My metal leg, your metal arm, no one will say a thing. And if they do I will punch them."

"I don't need you to fight my battles."

Ray looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Who said I'd be punching them for you?"

Bucky smiled a small smile. Barely noticeable if you didn't see it the first time. "And what else will we do to make me feel normal?"

"Well different clothes for one, and don't worry, I won't let you walk out of here in jean overalls and a straw hat. That's southern, not western." She laughed to herself. Bucky didn't understand the joke.

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