Merlin & Arthur

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Merlin carried the large metal tray down the hall, holding King Arthur's breakfast. The pan became hotter on his palms the farther he traveled through the castle. He swerved to avoid people running into him, obviously in a hurry. He took his time, the prince wasn't awake until Merlin woke him. Merlin hummed as he turned the corner, then stopped in his tracks.

He pressed his ear to a closed door, listening intently. He could hear Lancelot and someone else. Looking through the keyhole, he saw Gwaine and the back of Lancelot. What were they-were they kissing?! He'd have something to tell Arthur.

He turned back, with a large smile on his face. He always thought Gwaine and Lancelot had something going one between them. He pushed open the doors to Arthur's room with his shoulder, holding tight onto the platter. He set it on the table beside the king's bed, and tied back the curtains.

"Rise and shine, Arthur!" Merlin said, patting him on the head. Arthur groaned, rolling onto his stomach.

"Arthur!" He spoke again, shoving him on the shoulder.

"What, Merlin?" Arthur mumbled into his pillow.

"Breakfast!" Merlin responded cheerfully.

"Mmmph." Was all Merlin could make out.

"Arthur, you have to get up. You have-ugh," He rolled Arthur over, trying to wake him. "You have kingly duties."

"Merlin, just let me sleep." He said, sticking his hand in Merlin's face.

"Ugh! Arthur!" He smacked Arthur's hand away, then wiped off his mouth. "You can't do this every single day."


Merlin took Arthur under his shoulders and dragged him out of bed, covers and all. He moved him to the large wooden table in the middle of the room and dropped him. He pushed out the chair and plopped Arthur in it. Panting, he got the platter and set it in front of the tired man.

"Merlin, I don't even have a-a shirt on." Arthur said, looking down at himself. Merlin blushed, and fetched a purple shirt from his set of drawers. He pressed it into Arthur's hand and sat down across from him. He slipped it over his head, then looked at Merlin.

"What is up with you today, Merlin?" Arthur bit into his ham while Merlin blushed harder.

"I saw Lancelot and Gwaine today." He said, changing the subject.

"Yes, Merlin. You see them everyday."

"Well, I saw them...together."

"The hell are you-"

"They were kissing in the throne room." Merlin blurted out. Arthur burst out laughing.

"I always knew-" Arthur laughed.

"I know!" Merlin couldn't help but laugh along with him. Arthur finished the last of his breakfast, smiling.

"Now, Merlin. I need you to...polish my armor, clean my boots, launder my clothes-" Arthur began. Merlin groaned. "Hey, hey hey! I'm not finished. You need to organize my clothes and run a bath for me too."

Merlin bit his lip. Arthur. Naked. Well, maybe he'll do that last. Or maybe he'll run out of time. Hopefully.

"Yes, sire." Merlin said sarcastically, standing up and taking the tray out of in front of Arthur.

"And Merlin!" He shouted as Merlin was walking out the door.


"Come here." Merlin sighed, walking over to his chair.

"Ye-" he started to say before Arthur grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close. Arthur tilted his head, his mouth even closer to Merlin's.

"Do it quickly." He whispered huskily against his lips. Merlin shuddered and Arthur got up, acting as if that didn't just happen. Merlin froze for a minute before walking out of the room, breathing heavily. What the hell just happened?!

He brought the tray back to the kitchen, then hurried back to Arthur's room. Arthur was pacing, and Merlin was polishing his armor. When he finished, he stood up and walked towards the other.

"Merlin, good. Now that you've-" He got cut off by Merlin shoving him against the wall, putting his hands in Arthur's smooth, blonde hair. He leaned in close, just as Arthur did. Their lips were about to touch when Merlin whispered.

"Sire, you're needed in the throne room." Arthur coughed into his elbow and Merlin let go, heading towards the boots he was ordered to clean.

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