Chapter 4

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I look at my phone and see that its almost three. I've been sitting here just thinking for almost three hours. I grab my backpack and walk back to school. Right when I get to my locker, the bell rings. Students exit the classroom and the hallway fills up quickly. I grab my things and walk over to Ozzy's locker. "Where were you man" Ozzy asks, "We were worried." "I ended up going to the nurse's office" I say. "You ok" Ozzy asks.

"I'm doing a lot better now" I reply. Troy walks up and says, "There you are. Where were you?" "Nurses" I reply, "I'll see you at my house." I walk to my car and drive to my house. I park my car and open the garage for Ozzy. A few minutes later Ozzy pulls in. I pop his hood open and get to work. An hour later, I have fixed his car. I close up and walk in to see Ozzy and Troy play something on my ps4. I take a quick shower, then grab three sodas, and join them.

We end up staying up til two in the morning talking and playing games. Because of that we ended up sleeping through our alarm. Therefore, we were two hours late to school. We arrived at school a few minutes before third period. We rushed to our lockers to get out things and barley made it to class before the bell rang. The class passed by fast before I knew it, it was fourth period, then fifth period, the period I was dreading.

I took my time walking there and was even a few minutes late. I entered the classroom, and everyone looked at me. "Sorry, my teacher was talking to me" I say. Emily knows I'm lying but tells me to take my seat. The period goes by slowly, but the bell finally rings. I quickly leave and go to lunch. The rest of the day passes by quickly.

When school finally ends, I go straight home. I do all the homework I was assigned and then work on the cars in the shop. I work until eleven at night and then lock up the garage. I take a quick shower and go to bed. I then wake up, get ready, and head to school. When I'm at school, I do my best to avoid Emily. Then when school ends, I go straight home. This cycle is repeated for the next few days. However, after the first time, Emily got smart and told me to stay after class for whatever reason she thought of.

The conversations would go something along the lines of her begging for my forgiveness, her saying it was the biggest mistake of her life, she misses me, and she still loves me. I would have my walls up and brush off everything she said. I didn't want to get hurt by her again, she crushed me. I mean, can you really blame me for being this way? Emily did break my heart and then leave without any warning or explanation.

Then on the other side of everything there is Lacy. Never in a million years would I have thought that Lacy Dirkson was into me or even noticed me. I mean Emily was into me and she was the most popular girl in school and I could hardly believe that. But another popular girl that could get any guy she wanted also likes me. What are the odds?

Anyway, don't get me wrong Lacy is beautiful. But it wouldn't be fair to her if I continued to date her or got back together with her if I was still in love with Emily. Especially now that Emily was back, my feelings were all over the place. I didn't want to lead her on, but my heart belonged to someone else even though I was still angry and hurt by her. I couldn't help it; the heart wants what it wants. And my heart wanted Emily.

I am knocked out of my thoughts when someone lightly shoves me. I look over to my right to see Ozzy and Troy looking at me. "You ok man" Troy asks. "Ya" Ozzy says, "You have been out of it since the first day of school." "I'm fine" I say. "You know you can tell us anything" Troy says, "Right?" Ozzy says, "You know we would never judge you." "Its nothing, I'm fine" I say, "Just thinking of all the cars I have to fix."

Ozzy and Troy look at each other then look at me. They don't look convinced, but they concede and push it. "Ok" Troy says. "Anyways" Ozzy says, "The final bell rang." We walk out of the classroom and to our lockers. I grab everything I need and walk over to Ozzy's locker. We walk out to the parking lot together talking. When we reach our cars, we say good and head our separate ways.

I stopped by the store on the way home, to get some parts and tools I needed. I has only been driving a minute, when I see a car on the side of the road. I slow down and see it's a girl, so I pull over to help her. I get out of the car and asks, "You need help?" The girl turns around and its none other then Emily. Great...just great. "Ashton" Emily says in surprise. "Let me take a look" I say.

Emily tells me what's wrong and take look. "I'm surprised you stopped" Emily says, "Considering everything." "Well my mom and uncle raised and taught me to always help girls when it comes to things like this" I say, "Cause it's the right thing to do...and unlike guys, girls don' know..." I get it" Emily says, "Thank you." I close the hood of her car and hook it up to my truck.

"I need to take it to my shop to fix" I say. "Ok" Emily says. I climb in and Emily does the same. I start driving and the ride is filled with awkward silence. Why of all the people, did it have to be Emily. I'm glad when we finally reach my shop/house. That was the most awkward car ride, good thing it was only a three minute drive. Ok Ash, just fix the car and send her on her way. Don't do anything stupid or play right into her game. Should be doable...right?

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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