Chapter Twenty One: The Rescuers

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Three And A Half Months After Event:

   Ray took Grant up the old oak tree leaving Bob hidden in the long grass below. They began climbing up towards what Ray called the nest.

  After ten minutes of vigorous climbing from limb to limb they arrived at a large hole in the trunk of the tree. Just as Grant was about to enter in behind Ray a large brownish red furred head stuck out of the hole. One of the biggest fox squirrels he'd ever seen was blocking his way into the nest. The large squirrel began making a loud barking noise at him. "Calm down Perty, he's a friend" he heard Ray say from inside the hole. The large squirrel immediately stopped barking and backed into the hole allowing Grant entrance.

  Inside he found another large squirrel starring at him from the back of Rays nest. A young boy stood beside it starring right along with it. A young girl stood just inside the hole sitting on a piece of blanket eating something from a hickory nut shell. " Hellow" a woman's voice said from the otherside of Grant. He turned to see her approaching with her hand outstretched. Grant reached forward shaking her hand and taking in her appearance. Although she wore a doll dress the redish brown fur was visible and her tail seemed to hover behind her. He noticed to that the children though clothed had reddish brown fur and tails. "Well this here's the family, and motioning to the two fox squirrels, he said" these two are Merty and Perty, they'll be helping us today". "Helping you do what?" Rays wife questioned. "Cherri this is Graydon Grant he has been trying to find our friends in the factory for quite a while. He wants me to take him in there let him get a look around see if there is a way to help those girls escape" Ray told his wife. "This is my wife Cherri and these are my kids Matt and Peggy" Ray introduced his family to help Grant. "Cherri we're going to head on over to the factory, we're taking the squirrels. Come on you two" Ray finished with his wife and called the squirrels. Surprisingly they bounded over quickly.

  "That's how you get in?!" Grant questioned nervously. "Yep climb right over and go in through an old ventilation shaft" Ray replied. "I don't know if I could even hold on" Grant stated."I can probably find a way in from the ground" he told Ray starring down at the power pole at the end of the branch. "Nonsense, there are cats and men everywhere on the ground, they'll catch you for sure, but no one is watching the roof or second floors" Ray stated. " And as for whether or not you can hang on is not an issue, your about to be transported across by way of squirrel, just sit back and enjoy the ride" Ray told Grant as he met a shrill wistel escape his lips. Before he could protest a squirrel had come from behind pushing its head under him causing him to fall back onto it's back. The squirrel then jumped from its position on the limb free falling onto the top of the power pole. Grant gritted his teeth, hanging on for dear life, grabbing handfulls of fur. His stomach felt like it was in his chest as they fell and slammed onto the top of the pole. "What if I get electrocuted?" He screamed back at Ray. " You'll be fine, just don't ground out" Ray said laughing.

  The squirrel jumped down onto the power line and began climbing rapidly, no a better word, running across the powerline towards the factories roof.

  As soon as the ride began it seemed it ended with an abrubt stop and Grant flying then rolling forward. He lay there a little shaken and dazed until a few seconds later Rays furry face was looking down into his. "You ok pal, enjoy your ride on Perty?" Ray asked. "Not really It kind of takes the ok right oughta you when you just about ' die!' You know" Grant quiped. "You wanna help those poor defenseless girls or not? Doing right has a price on it, if you ain't willing to pay it then get out now. No you still here then open up your purse girly and get ready to pay causes your gonna have to face more of your fears before this deed is even near done" Ray finished. "Just kiding reverend, no need to preach a sermon" Grant defended. "Lets get going Graydon and see what's going on in there. Who knows what's happened to those poor girls since the last time I seen them" Ray said passing by Grant flying towards a hole in a grate covering a nearby ventilation shaft.

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