Meeting New Faces

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 When you opened the door, the three men looked at you weirdly before they look around the house's exterior, making sure they're indeed at the right place.

"Ah! Dude! Netherlands has turn into a girl!" the blond with glasses exclaimed while rudely pointing at you. Internally, at first, you gave yourself a facepalm at the person's reaction. Who in their right side of their mind would think such a possibility? You're not the only one who thinks so as the other blond who had a distinguishable bushy eyebrow whack the back of his companion's head

"Stop spouting nonsense you wanker" he scolded before clearing his throat to speak with you.

"Is this Netherland's residence?" he asked you with such composure, to which you nodded in response, still keeping warry over him and the rest. Unlike the stupid blond that just rudely pointed and shouted at you out of nowhere, the other blond looks quite refined and posh. "Great then, we ask to see him" he requested. Your nerve calmed down a bit knowing that they weren't after you, but you still shouldn't let your guard down especially when Netherlands is not around.

"I'm sorry but he's busy" you lied, trying to convince them that you're not alone and defenseless in this house. "Come by another time, have a good day" you made a quick bow before closing the door as quickly as you could. But sadly you had been unsuccessful because the said blond has inserted his foot at the door gap, preventing you from fully closing it.

"That's fine, just go and inform him of our presence. I'm sure he'd want to see us as soon as possible," he said casually, looking quite unfazed about his foot and uncaring towards you who are still trying to close the door.

"Yes, I will inform him. Can you leave now" you grumbled while adding more pressure to the door. When he caught your attempt to get rid of them, the blond gave you an unamused expression before adding his hand between the door to lessen the pressure you're giving on his foot.

"We can't leave, we have a scheduled meeting with him"

"What meeting? "Netherlands never mentioned a meeting held in his house before".You hissed. Netherland has never brought home his office work before, let alone co-worker, so you are quite uncertain whether they're telling the truth or not. "Who are you people?"

"I'm England, this is Japan, and the stupid wanker there is America" he introduced himself and his friends, as the person who's called 'America' let out a protest shout for being called a wanker.

"So you're not German?"

"My dear, what makes you think that we're germans? Do we actually look the part?"

"I don't know, I've never seen a german man before" You started to debate in your mind, whether or not to trust these strangers. Netherland did say to look out for germans, but these people aren't germans.

"I assure you that we look nothing alike to germans," the only guy with jet black hair said, "Germany has quite a healthy body and a strong yet gruff voice. Not to mention that he's taller then the three of us" he explain his reasonings to you as if he's describing a certain person.

"Just let them in dear, they mean no harm" Lisa's voice whispered in your ear which made you jump a little before she disappears off like she usually does from time to time. If Lisa said that they're harmless then they're harmless, you convince yourself. After all she has been around here longer then you do, who knows that she recognized these people.

Deciding to listen to Lisa this time, you reluctantly let them in before informing them that Netherlands wasn't actually at home, but he should be soon.

"That's ok we can wait for Mr. Netherlans," the black-haired Japanese said while making their way to the living room as if they knew where it is already.

Homeland: Fight of our ownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang