A Prize to Pay

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"Take me back home you blond bastard!" you shouted to what seems to be the 10th time today and as usual Netherland gave you nothing more but a flat refusal. "You jerk! What's the agreement that you made with my mom anyway?" plopping down at the nearest couch, you finally asked a different question other than demanding to go home for today.

"Shut your mouth, you are here to represent your country. So you will stay here for a while"

"Whaaat? like a hostage? But I don't want to stay here with you for a long time"  you pouted.

This has been your new daily routine since arriving in this new country. You keep on asking and nagging Netherlands to bring you back home, hoping that he would give in at some point. But so far your attempts have proven to be futile.

Secretly feeling relieved that you finally drop your childish act, Netherlands answered your question "In return that you were kept safe, she will provide me more of her field produce, especially on spices. Where I will gain hefty profit from selling it to other countries"

Hearing him say that casually, made your face convert from shock to anger. You furiously slapped his coffee off the table and glare at him. "Gain profit?! Is that what you consider this as?! A business agreement?!" you growled. "You Dutch bastard has taken way too much from us, and you still demand more! You're all just selfish imbeciles who don't think of others! Have you ever consider how much labor we had to work just to satisfy your foolish demands?! Kids and elders of all ages had to work in the fields and it's all beca-"

"That's enough!" Netherland glared at you with a gaze that could drill concrete itself. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. If you want to die so much and waste your mother's effort to bring you here then be my guest." he angrily stood up and grab his coat on the hanger without letting his eyes off you. "be grateful that I'm willing to take you in under my protection, otherwise soldiers will be all around ready to kill you." He huffed before opening the front door, ready to go to work. "Clean up that spilled coffee before I arrived home" he commended before shutting the door.

After Netherlands left, you had a moment of silence to consume everything he just said. It all came as a shock for you. After all, he did heald some truth in his words, your mother must have to experience the pain of separation as much as you do. "But why?" you mumbled, confused with his last statement. "Why would soldiers want to kill me?". Your mind was swimming with questions right now, but it was cut short with an all too familiar voice from the front door.

"Oi dutch guy! foreign girl! Are you guys home?!"

"P-Poland! Lithuania! It's good to see you again!" you shuttered a bit, still feeling shocked. The boys looked at you slightly pale face weirdly before shrugging it off. "I'm afraid Mr.Netherlands isn't here, you two just missed him." clarify before stepping aside, "But if you'd like, I could accompany you guys instead" You invited the two into the house before closing the front door.

"Oh that's fine, we're just here to visit" Lithuania spoke with his kind-brotherly voice.

Not long after you've arrived here, you meat the two Poland and Lithuania when they were visiting Netherlands. The two proved to be hard to get to know at first because of their shy nature but once you got to know them, you've been enjoying their regular company since then.

You've been spending so much time with them to the point that you learn that the two of them used to be exceptional in the art of war, especially Lithuania. His exceptional leadership and extraordinary strategy making are mighty impressive that you even ask him to teach you.

"Wow, this place is as clean as I remembered it to be" Poland complimented while looking around right before his eyes caught the spilled coffee. "Well except that part, what happened?" he added.

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