He Asks You Out

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You opened the door of your home one day after hearing a knock to find a trail of rose petals leading from your doorstep to some place unknown. 

As suspicious as you were as to what you may find once the petals run out, you were also very curious as to who could've done this. So, you decided to follow the petals to wherever they lead.

Along the way, you found neatly written letters carrying sweet compliments like 'You are beautiful' and 'Don't ever change your perfect self.' 

By the fifth letter you had figured out who wrote them and couldn't help but smile as your cheeks warmed slightly at the thought of him saying all these lovely things about you.

The rose petals ended by a beautiful lake in the middle of a forest where the writer of those kindly written letters stood with a red rose in his hand.

When he saw you approach he smiled warmly at you and you gladly returned it as you stood before him.

"Not that I didn't appreciate all those lovely compliments, but what's all this about, Kurama?" You asked with a light chuckle.

Kurama stepped closer to you as you noticed a light pink shade covering his cheeks and he looked deep into your eyes.

"I didn't get the chance to say it back then. Had I known something tragic was going to happen to tear us apart, I would've said this years ago." He offered you the rose as he continued to speak. "I care an aweful lot for you, (Y/N). So much so, that I would be honered if you called me your boyfriend."

You blushed a deeper shade of red as tears came to your eyes at his sweet words and you accepted the rose.

"I care an aweful lot for you too, Kurama. I will be more than happy to be your girlfriend." You said with a smile as the happy tears escaped your eyes.

Kurama gave you another warm smile as he wiped away the tears and gave you a gentle hug.

You had finally said it. You were finally able to tell the boy you fell in love with all those years ago exactly how you feel.

A/N: Eeek! I personally love this one sooo much!😍😄 Excuse the shortness, crappiness, and possible OOCness, but at least it's something. Anyways, hope you Enjoy!

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