He Realises His Feelings For You

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Kurama started liking you during the first days he met you all those years ago.

He was very interested in what you could do since he first witnessed you using a small amount of your demon abilities to defeat a group of other demons who decided to cause you a bit of trouble. Quite easily at that, which left him rather impressed.

He grew more and more interested in you the more he got to know you and your intriguing personality and eventually realised that he had fallen for you. Sadly, he never got the chance to tell you how he felt before he was killed.

He was secretly afraid that you wouldn't feel the same and that he might damage the close friendship he had formed with you and lose a valuable ally if he said anything, so he kept what he felt for you bottled up inside. Boy, did he regret that decision.

Now, as Shuichi, he managed to find you again and his feelings for you started to surface once more, stronger than ever. He'll be sure to tell you how he feels this time and not let the fear of how you felt about him stop him from doing so.

Whether you felt the same or not, he just wanted you to know how he felt.

A/N: Sorry for any OOCness or crappiness. Also, sorry for such a short chapter but at least it's something. Anyways, Enjoy

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