Chapter 3

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The principal led me down a series of hallways into a room that looked like a lobby. Not many people were up and walking around because it was kind of late at night.

"These are the clothes you will have to wear every day," he said handing me an ugly dress with ugly matching shoes. I groaned.

"Why do I have to wear these all the time?" I asked.

"School policy. It will help you get more into a good girl image. Now go to bed. It's past curfew."

He led me into a bedroom. There was at least ten beds in this room, half of which were occupied. The principal left and I heard the click of the lock. I had to squint my eyes to see through the dim lighting.

I went into the bathroom and got changed into the night clothes. It was the ugliest night gown I have ever seen. I wanna get the hell out of here so I don't have to wear these ugly clothes.

I finish getting ready and hop into bed. Tomorrow will be my first day at this stupid school.


The morning was a drag. I didn't even do much because they had to set me up with everything. But I was allowed to go to lunch with everyone.

Here's what I found out about this school:

Girls and boys have lunch together.

You have classes all morning and most of the afternoon.

Everyone eats dinner together.

We all get free time from after dinner to curfew.

Curfew is 10 at night.

Everyone has to get up at 6 in the morning and you're on your own for breakfast.

We only get Sunday off.

Well it's a darn freaking good thing tomorrow is Sunday because I don't think I could take this 24/7. And plus I wanna get to know some kids here. Some of the boys seem pretty freaking hot.

I grab a lunch, which looks absolutely disgusting, and walk into the cafeteria. I try to find an open table so I can sit all alone but there aren't any. I start walking towards a random table when someone whistles me over.

"Hey yo sexy new girl!" a boy calls. I turn to look at him and give him a blank expression. "Yes I'm talking to you. Come sit with us."

I walk over to the table, which is just two boys, and sit down. One boy has bright red hair and the other has shaggy blonde hair. They both have tattoos covering their arms and they have piercings on their face.

"I'm Michael and this is Ashton," said the kid who called me over.

"I'm Alexa," I replied.

"When did you get here?"

"Yesterday night."

"Wait isn't your dad the cop around here?" Ashton asked. I looked up at him.

"How do you know who my father is?"

"I snuck out last night to try and find some food and I saw you walk in with him. He's the guy that arrested me and is basically the reason I'm in this shit hole."

"What did he arrest you for?"

"I was harassing little kids on a play ground and taking heroine." I laughed.

"My dad said he had to chase you down."

"Oh yea I took a run for it when I heard him coming but I tripped on a rock and he caught me."

"Nice. Why are you here?" I asked Michael.

"I was caught smoking weed," he replied.

"So was I."

"Maybe once we get out of this shit hole we can go find some and smoke it together." He bit his lip and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Maybe," I replied.

We sat in silence for a while. I moved the shit that they called food around on my plate. Ashton leaned forward on the table and motioned for me to do the same.

"Have you ever had sex before," he whispered.

"Kinda," I replied.

"How do you kinda have sex?" Michael asked.

"Because we started to then almost got caught."

"Well anyways, how about tonight in our free time you and me get it on in the bathroom," Ashton said. I stared at him for a while. "Is that a no?" he asked.

I thought about it for a moment. Then the bell rang signifying we had to go to class. As I got up, I answered him.

"I'll see you in the bathroom after dinner tonight."

Reform School // 5sos fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now