Chapter 1

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I snuck out of the house. Again. To do what you ask? Why smoke a joint of course. I do this every weekend.

I made sure to be quiet and sneaky. I wouldn't want to wake up my parents. But I've done this millions of times. I'm a pro at it.

I walked to the woods behind my house. That's where I'm meeting everyone today. By the time I get there, half the group is already there and making the joints. I grab a bag and join in.

"Dude, we are going to get high as fuck tonight!" Roger yells.

"Quiet down or you will get us caught," Jen snapped back.


We finished up as everyone else arrived. We all grabbed a joint (there was enough for everyone to have one) and lit them. The air soon started to fill with smoke.

You would think that me being the daughter of a cop and everything would make me a good girl. And I am a good girl at home. I get good grades in school. Straight A student to be exact. I'm my dad's favorite. I'm saving up money for Harvard. I study hard for my tests when I have them.

But listen here. Forget what you thought. Because good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught. Every time I leave the house I tell my parents I'm going to the library and they believe me. Why? They think i'm a good girl. But the library is not where I go. I go to whatever party is happening and end up hooking up with some random guy. Sometimes those little flings last a little longer than just one night but most of the time they don't.

So anyway, here I am. The good girl with a cop for a dad. Smoking weed. Like it's none of my business.

"Did you here about those dudes your dad caught the other day Alexa?" Greg asked me.

"Of course. He told me all about them," I replied.

"They were smoking weed right?"

"And breaking into people's houses."

"That's so badass."

"Sure. But it's easy to get caught that way."

We kept smoking. I could feel myself getting higher with each puff of smoke. My head started to get fuzzy but I could've sworn I heard police sirens.

And seen police lights.

And now someone's walking towards us.

Everyone else ran but I was way to high to even comprehend what was going on. As soon as I realized, it was too late.

"Alexa I can not believe I found you out here like this!" my dad yelled at me. "You are coming with me young lady and your mother and I are putting you into the biggest reform school around here!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards our house.

The biggest reform school. It's actually just called Reform School. It's for boys and girls so you can only imagine what goes down in there. There have been so many rape and sex cases coming from that school that I can't even believe my parents would consider it.

I mean yes it's the only reform school anywhere near here but still.

"I always knew she was up to something," my younger twerp of a brother, Joe, said when my dad and I walked in.

"Shut the fuck up Joe," I snapped back. Bad choice of words. My dad spun around faster than you could say Mississippi.

"Don't you DARE use that language! Especially not to your brother!" he yelled at me.

I just rolled my eyes. Bad choice again.

"You know what? For your little attitude tonight, I'm taking you to that reform school right now so go pack your bags and get in the car. I expect you to be there in five minutes."

When he expects you to be somewhere at a certain time, you better be there or it's bad news for you. I ran upstairs to grab the essential things I need. Of course running wasn't the best idea and I ran into about twenty things along the way but I still got in the car with a minute to spare.

My dad pulled out of the driveway and drove to the school.


This fan fiction will be written by me (@KissMeHemmx from twitter) and @crushmalum from twitter. I hope you guys enjoy!

Please vote if you like it and comment if you think we need to edit something! Also if you have something you think we should add feel free to tell us and we will try to work it out.

My main wattpad is heyyofangirl if you wanna check that out (you don't have to).

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