This Is My Home Now Chapter 12

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Shadow was not happy that the date didn't go well so Bliss decided to spend the whole day in Shadow's room with him so they can be alone for awhile. Later with the others, Tails for some reason looked a bit upset.

"What's wrong Tails?" Amy asked.

"Well...since Bliss is a lot better and has her powers back, I think that means that she might leave soon." Everyone went silent. They totally forgot that she might have a home to get to.

They felt a bit down now since their new friend might leave. Soon they turned their heads as they saw Bliss and Shadow walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" Bliss said with a smile. Her smile soon faded as she saw her friends looking sad.

"What's wrong?"

" that you're no longer hurt and you have your powers back, we think that maybe you miss your home and want to leave soon." Bliss lowered her ears a bit and said,

"Eggman destroyed my home so I don't have a home to go to." Everyone felt bad for her.

"But...this is my home now. I belong to you guys. You took care of me and helped me a lot. I love you all and I want to stay." Shadow smiled as he heard this. Everyone cheered and hugged her. Bliss hugged back as well and looks at Shadow.

"I'm glad I met you Shadow."

"Me too. Glad you're staying. I love you."

"I love you too." They both kissed gently as everyone smiled. They both pulled away and smiled.

"Welcome to the team Bliss." Shadow said.

"Thanks Shadow. Thank you all." Everyone smiled and began to hug her again.

I hope you enjoyed it! I know it's not the best but maybe in the future I'll do a remake. Thanks for reading!

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